
Nadim Aoun of Popcorn, Son of a Tutu and Peter Bull of Above The Stag

Nadim Aoun – Popcorn and One Night In Heaven promoter

What are your three highlights of 2016?

Having left behind a wonderful legacy at my old job (Beyond, WE Party UK), I departed thinking I was also leaving clubs behind. But when this opportunity came up with Heaven and I was contacted to take over Popcorn and special events, I jumped at the challenge to bring something fresh to the London scene.

This year I’ve been more heavily involved in charitable endeavours, one of which was a collaboration with Equinox and Fat Tony that helped raised tens of thousands for the Terence Higgins Trust. That made me quite proud, not least because of the social media impact our campaign had.

I’m also proud to call the DJ duo Maze & Masters my closest friends and having supported them from day one was even more proud to be there when they played at Elrow in Ibiza, weeks before the legendary club Space shut its doors for good. We spent three days together in which I really grew to understand the magic of the island residents so fondly mention. I’ll remember that weekend forever as it connected electronic music to my personal life more than it ever had before.

What are your New Year’s resolutions?

My resolutions? I’m not going to stop drinking, I’m not going to go the gym any more than I do, I’m not going to be a better person…

Working hard consistently and constantly at improving yourself as a person is the way forward. None of this resolution mumbo jumbo.

And what are your hopes for 2017?

There are some very exciting opportunities in 2017 that I can’t say much about at the moment, but those who know me well know that when I make such a bold statement I work my ass off to ensure the result lives up to expectations.


Son of a Tutu – Drag legend

What are your three highlights of 2016?

Well the Orlando Soho Vigil has to be the biggest highlight. Seeing Londoners come out in their tens of thousands to participate in the vigil for the 49 innocent LGBTQ souls who sadly lost their lives was heartwarming. It restored my faith in our community and proved beyond doubt that despite the tide of frivolity that seemed to have swept away the heart of our activism, it still beats strongly. I shall take its memories to my grave.

On a more personal note I found my own creative voice again, which for a couple of years was comatose due to a huge bout of self doubt. Sometimes you just need to let time do its healing.

What are your New Year’s resolutions?

Miss Tutu never has New Year’s resolutions as she always feels like a failure when she breaks them, which is inevitable. So I am going to keep on smoking until I stop and putting weight on until I pop.

And what are your hopes for 2017?

You will not see Miss Tutu on The Voice or The X Factor but I hope to put on a new one-woman show, my first in three years, and already have an exciting concept, which I am slowly developing.

Stepping away from self-interest and at risk of sounding like Miss Congeniality, I hope the world can heal. I am bound to upset many people online by banging on about what’s wrong in the world and losing friends in the process, but I do not give a damn. What I do care about is the need for each and every one of us doing what we can to keep the focus on the right path and I hope to play my own part emphatically!

Peter Bull – Above the Stag Theatre owner

What are your three highlights of 2016?

2016 has been our most successful year ever. We mounted seven productions and sold out every single performance. In April I took a risk on Haram Iran, a play based on the true story of two teenagers who were hanged for their sexuality. I expected the play to lose money but the story needed to be told. I programmed in the gay naked comedy Party in the autumn with the idea it would make up for the losses. In the event, audiences came in their droves and Haram Iran sold out. Party then exceeded all expectations and ended up running for 10 weeks!

Other highlights include Andy Bell’s acoustic Erasure concerts during Pride week, and of course the amazing Pride march itself. Personally my biggest highlight was winning the Boyz Lifetime Achievement Award – although it did make me feel old as I’ve still got lots to achieve!

What are your New Year’s resolutions?

2017 sees new challenges as we plan to move closer to Vauxhall station to larger premises comprising two theatres and a much larger bar.

And what are your hopes for 2017?

My New Year’s resolution is to see more theatre!

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