
Liam Chaplin: Me, myself and I

DJ Liam Chaplin loves big cities and looks forward to driving his convertible in the summer.

Where are you from originally?

I’m from a large town in North Wiltshire called Swindon – or South Cotswolds, as I prefer to tell people. Swindon is just a large bland housing estate with a lot of roundabouts, but even so I still have a lot of fond memories of my childhood there.

And where do you live now?

I now live with two housemates in Stepney, East London, but spend a lot of time with my better half (more of a pet, really). It’s a quaint London brick terrace house in a quiet cul-de-sac. It’s often easy to forget you’re just a 15 minute walk into the heart of the city.

What do you love about London?

Being from a lifeless commuter town, I couldn’t wait to move to the hustle and bustle of London. London is one of the most cultured cities in the world. I love finding off-the-beaten-track areas of London or party hotspots in the West End.

What was the first gay venue you visited?

The first gay venue I visited was The Pink Rooms in Swindon roughly six years ago. My first memory was walking into this small, dark venue with questionable decor and a rather odd drag queen on stage – everything I imagined an old fashioned gay venue to be. The atmosphere was really welcoming however, and I ended up working there for a couple of years as a barman before learning to DJ in the same venue.

Favourite club/bar/venue in London?

London has so many incredible venues so it’s difficult to narrow it down to just one. My favourite haunts would have to be my DJ homes, The RVT and the Two Brewers. Both these venues are incredibly welcoming and put on the best shows and parties, including my own club night, Backroom, at the Brewers.

What was the last theatre show you saw?

The last show I saw was The Bodyguard at the Dominion Theatre with my parents for my birthday last month. The show was great and Beverley Knight delivered an incredible performance. I wish I could afford to go to the theatre more often as there are so many incredible shows in the West End. Of course, if anyone fancies giving me free tickets…

What is your guilty pleasure?

It would have to be a nice strong cup of tea! My Nan got me hooked on tea from a young age. My pet hate is people that cannot make a decent tea. Water first, people!

Biggest extravagance?

I’m not really one to buy a lot of extravagant things, I prefer to spend money on experiences and trips. But my convertible is great to drive in the summer, if a little leaky in the rain.

Best gift you’ve ever received?

Probably my DJ headphones given to me by my parents. They’re looking a little worn and tattered now but they’ve been very faithful to me over the years.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

I’d say becoming one of the resident DJs for Sunday Social, alongside Simon Le Vans and Sean Sirrs. The RVT is such an iconic venue. Other than that, starting Backroom at the Two Brewers, alongside fellow DJ Sam Londt, has been really rewarding. We’re into our fourth month now and it’s going from strength to strength.

If you could go back in time which year would you choose?

I would probably go back to the 1980s. Being born in the 90s I feel I’ve missed out the best decades for a lot of groundbreaking music such as The Human League, Go West and Pet Shop Boys.

What’s the best party you’ve ever been to and what made it so good?

I tend to miss all the great party opportunities due to work commitments but the best ones I’ve been to were during my time at uni. The flat parties used to be ridiculous! Concoctions of various alcohols, drinking games and blaring music were the norm for these parties, usually ending with numerous people passed out and/or naked!

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

If you want something, go and get it! Nothing in life is handed to you on a plate.

Who are the most entertaining people you follow on Twitter?

If I had to choose I’d say @Simonlevans for his cantankerous rants and
@Cher for her hatred of Donald Trump.

Where in the world would you like to visit before you die?

I’d love to go back to New York. I went previously as a child but was too young to really appreciate it. I love big cities, especially ones with interesting history. The Caribbean is also on my to-do list for its beauty and weather.

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

The winning lottery numbers? I guess to not be bothered by what people think of you. Chances are, they’re jealous of where you’re going.

Liam will be DJing at Australia Ball this Friday (27 Jan) from 9pm at the Two Brewers. He’s also a resident at Sunday Social at The RVT and Backroom at the Two Brewers.

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