
Nath Valvo: There’s a new gay in town

Nath Valvo is one of the hottest new Aussie comedians taking on the UK and this week he’s back at the Soho Theatre with his new show Happy Idiot.

How would you describe your latest show Happy Idiot?

I try to cover heaps of topics! Being 33, relationships, dating, Grindr, Tinder, sex, clubbing, growing up in the 90s, annoying parents, straight relationships vs gay ones, hating weddings… Just to name a few.

Which fellow comedians do you admire?

Right now, Amy Schumer for her ruthless, honest and hilarious stand up about sex and relationships. I absolutely love the UK’s Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Her TV show Fleabag was my favourite all last year. Phoebe, if you’re reading this right now, please come and see my show. I think we could be besties.

What did you learn from writing your last show Grindr: A Love Story?

That audiences love to hear all the nitty details about other people’s sex lives. I was scared that I was going to overshare, but most people loved it – a few old prunes hated it but that made it even more fun. I also learnt to ban my parents from seeing any of my shows – talking about rimming with your dad in the front row isn’t something I want to do
ever again.

We’ve heard you’ve been part of an accidental orgy…
Tell us more!

Yes, it was an accident. A very drunk accident. One moment there’s some gays in my lounge then the next no clothes anywhere. I do tell the story in great detail in the show so come along to find out how it all went down. Lots of limbs, I can tell you that much…

Are you based in London now?

I still live in Melbourne but I am hoping to pull a Kylie and call London my second home and develop that weird hybrid accent of hers. I love how bloody cold London is. I am a very white Australian who is constantly getting sunburnt. I also haven’t really gone through puberty yet so strolling around in my bathers at the beach is a nightmare. Give me coats and scarfs any day! While I’m here I’ll be staying in Soho, which is like the Hogwarts school for gay people.

Nath Valvo: Happy Idiot runs from Thursday (12 Jan) until next Saturday (21 Jan) at the Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, Soho, London, W1D 3NE (

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