
Rozalla: Diva Explosion at the RVT

Next Thursday (2 Feb) four 90s dance sensations will be on stage at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern for Diva Explosion. This will be a hit packed night featuring Rozalla, Tina Cousins, Urban Cookie Collective and the Happy Clappers. Dave Cross caught up with Rozalla to get the lowdown on this exciting throw-down.


Hi Rozalla, are you excited about performing at the Diva Explosion?

I’m so looking forward to performing at RVT. I’ve performed there once before and absolutely loved it.

What can we expect from you on the night?

You can expect to have a great time with some club classics being sung.

We know you’ve done a lot of these diva nights – what’s the attraction of working with the other girls?

We all share in the camaraderie of the business we’re in, so working with the other girls is pure joy.

In the 90s you had some massive hits including number one club hits in America – what are your strongest memories of that time?

I remember the travelling to different countries to perform, which I fortunately still do, and it was amazing, as I’d never travelled anywhere before having hit singles. I found it exciting then and I honestly still do now.

You also supported Michael Jackson, what was that like?

I always maintain that being a support act for Michael Jackson was the highlight of my career.

What did you think of Kylie’s cover version of Everybody’s Free?

I’m a Kylie fan and I always have been. I was so happy she covered my song, and I think she did a great version.

What are you working on at the moment?

I’m working on new songs for a new album, and I’m so excited about it. Hopefully I’ll have something new later this year.

Diva Explosion at the RVT is on Thursday 2 February, 7pm – late. Tickets are £15 from

Diva Explosion is at The RVT, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, London, SE11 5HY.

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