
Tina Cousins: Diva Explosion at the RVT

Next Thursday (2 Feb) four 90s dance sensations will be on stage at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern for Diva Explosion. This will be a hit packed night featuring Rozalla, Tina Cousins, Urban Cookie Collective and the Happy Clappers. Dave Cross caught up with Tina Cousins to find out how excited she is about doing the Diva show.

Hello Tina, are you excited to be doing the Diva show at the RVT?

Yes, it’s a great venue with wonderful people. And it’s great that we’re all still here singing our socks off!

So you enjoy doing the gigs with the other girls?

Absolutely, there is a certain thing about us girls together. It’s always loads of fun.

What do you think makes a great diva?

The reason we are all still here is that a diva is someone with a passion for her music. And someone who doesn’t take any crap!

How did you get to work with Sash for Mysterious Times and the other tracks you did with him?

My track Killin’ Time was out and his team heard it on the radio and connected with me. When I went to sing Mysterious Times I changed a few bits, but still was not sure if it was going to happen until I was on a train and got the call saying they loved my voice. I made a few people laugh when I ran around the train with joy.

And you did other tracks and hits with him too…

I loved Just Around the Hill. The video shoot was amazing. They had asked me back because they liked working with me and I was so exited because the song started off slow like a ballad.

You’ve had hits all over the world – what are your career highlights?

Crumbs, there are loads! Being on the Brits with Steps and Billie Piper; performing on Top of the Pops. I think the one I really cherish is being in Italy with 120,000 people shouting my name. Oh and climbing Sydney Harbour Bridge! I’ve also loved all the amazing gay prides in UK and gay clubs I’ve played. I am very lucky and grateful that the gay community has always been wonderful to me.

What’s next for you?

I will have new tracks out plus a tour and album release. I’m looking forward to the future. It’s going to be a great year.

Diva Explosion at the RVT is on Thursday 2 February, 7pm – late. Tickets are £15 from

Diva Explosion is at The RVT, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, London, SE11 5HY.

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