
Alyssa gears up for G-A-Y Porn Idol and G-A-Y Camp Attack this week

Alyssa Edwards is one of the big breakout stars of RuPaul’s Drag Race, returning for the All Star series, and now has her very own show about the dance school she owns in Texas. How she finds the time to come and judge penis at G-A-Y’s Porn Idol and do a special show at G-A-Y Camp Attack this week, we’ll never know. Just clever, we guess.

So, where are you? What are you doing? What are you wearing? Paint a picture with words.

I love this! Well, howdy to all of you over there. I’m in Texas and I’d love to be able to say that the weather’s lovely but it’s been very bipolar.

What are you wearing?

Today I’m proudly sponsored by some cute sweatpants as I’m off to my CrossFit class.

Sweatpants so you can show off a little bulge action?

Oooooh, just a little bit for the children in the CrossFit class.

So how well do you know London?

I never thought I’d have this opportunity to be travelling to these amazing places and meeting these fabulous people, so of course I’m very excited. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been to London and what I love is the audience really gets into it and they love drag and I love that.

Who do you know in London? You know Jeremy Joseph…

Who do I know? Who do I NOT know! I don’t know what you classify as ‘knowing’…

You don’t have to blow ‘em to know ‘em, put it that way.

Well, I loved the whole Black Cap scene, that was old-school but so inspiring to me. It wasn’t just drag, it had a cabaret-ish feel. I was really into that. The drag in London is very diverse. I know Jonny Woo and I like anything that’s entertaining.

Speaking of entertaining, what are you looking for in the contestants at G-A-Y Porn Idol?

The first time I went over there to do that I was so confused because in Texas we don’t have that kind of stuff. What I like about it is that these people are super-confident and courageous…

Maybe they have had a drink for courage?

[Laughs] I don’t think I could go out in front of my gay community stark nekkid. I think nudity is beauty and art but for me to get judged by a drag queen and celebrities, I would be a ball of nerves. I say that and here I am a gay man who wears a wig and lashes.

What kind of penis are you looking for in a winner?

Since you ask, I look for confidence, definitely. Someone who can connect with the audience. I tell my dancers, you can’t just be a performer unless people tap into that.

But penis-wise?

I knew you were going to ask that again, my god! You’re like, ‘Girl, we get it. Enough with the politically correct stuff but get with it!’ I think penises come in all different shapes and sizes and I definitely have a preference but if you’re confident in yourself and your manhood, walk it and own it and don’t be shy and let it all hang out.

So, is RuPaul’s Drag Race over for you now?

I just wrapped filming my new docu-style reality series about my dance school. It’s been in the making since I was on Season 5 and it’s going to be absolutely amazing.

You’re the queen of the show now then!

Yeah and it’s been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had. It’s been amazing watching everything unfold.

Looking back on Drag Race, how much of that bitchiness is real?

Baby, look, if it was all fake we’d be scripted actors with probably a bit more money. It’s real at that moment. Being catty comes with the word ‘queen’. At that moment you’re like, ‘Girl, you’re getting on my fucking nerves!’ Those moments are real but they’re just for that moment. You move on. You’re mic-ed for 12 hours a day so it’s going to be heated at moments.

When this comes out, imagine if we put a title: ‘Alyssa: Bigger than RuPaul’, how would you feel?

But I don’t think I’m bigger than RuPaul! I don’t want to compare myself to someone, especially someone like RuPaul, who’s a pioneer. He’s been through so much, so many more life experiences than me. I look at him and I have massive respect. It’s rare you run across a seven-foot African American who wears platinum blond wigs who has a million-dollar career. He’ll never be topped. I hope that one day he’ll look back and say, ‘I’m proud of that Alyssa Edwards.’

This sounds like your All About Eve statement, just before you take over his career…

[Laughs] But what an inspiration to see a drag queen win an Emmy!

Also, he would have you killed if you tried anything, you know that.

Probably. Actually, he’d probably say, ‘Cancel, her show…!’

Cancel her life!

‘Edit her out of All Stars, get that queen off of everything!’

So now you’re off to the gym…

Yeah, and all those bodybuilders can show me something. But before I head off, I want London to know that London is about art, not just drag queens and I love that I get to share even a small piece of me.

We’re looking forward to your small piece, Alyssa!

Alyssa Edwards is at G-A-Y Porn Idol on Thursday 2nd and G-A-Y Camp Attack on Friday 3rd March.

If you want to enter G-A-Y Porn Idol, send a message to 07789 553 868 or [email protected].

Entry to G-A-Y Porn Idol is £1 and to G-A-Y Camp Attack it’s free with a wristband from G-A-Y Bar.

G-A-Y Porn Idol and G-A-Y Camp Attack is at Heaven, Under the Arches, off Villiers Street, Charing Cross, London, WC2N 6NG.


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