
Enriched with Andy Bell at The Two Brewers

This Friday (10 Feb) the brilliant Andy Bell from Erasure will be doing a PA in the Club Bar as part of the Enriched night at the Two Brewers. Dave Cross had a catch up with Andy to talk about this PA, supporting Robbie Williams and the new Erasure album.

Hi Andy, are you looking forward to performing at the Two Brewers?

I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been there a few times to DJ actually. I know Jimmy Smith the manager from when he was at the Black Cap, so it should be a fun night.

What can we expect on the night? 

I’m doing three songs, solo and Erasure, in the Club Bar.

Do you get to go out clubbing much and what do you make of the scene these days?

I don’t really go out very much in London these days unless it’s to the Above the Stag Theatre, where I’m a patron. I prefer pubs and I go to my locals such as the Grapes or the Old Ship in Limehouse or the White Swan. In town I really like the Friendly Society.

Your debut solo album Electric Blue is being reissued – what can you tell us about that?

It’s an expanded 3D version, which has everything that was on the original plus bonus tracks, extended mixes and a dub mega mix plus a new booklet.

You and Vince are going to be supporting Robbie Williams on his tour – are you excited and have you met him before? 

We met him briefly years ago in Manchester in Take That and he was definitely the most boisterous and friendly of the bunch, but they’re all great boys. I’m a bit nervous playing in such huge venues and places that we’ve hardly played before where we’re not really known, like Madrid and Nijmegen in Holland.

Before Christmas you released From Moscow to Mars, a boxset anthology – what was it like looking back at your entire Erasure body of work?

There were actually a few things I’d forgotten. I never even knew we’d done a French version of Moon and the Sky and it’s really beautiful. When you look back it’s quite staggering seeing the amount of stuff we’ve recorded and the places we’ve played. I think it adds up to 17 albums with B-sides and film tracks etc. There’s probably 250 songs or more and so many live shows. It all becomes a bit of a blur so something like this rejigs the memory.

Will there will a new Erasure album this year? 

The new Erasure album is ready to go and I’m very proud of it. I know I always say that but sometimes things just click into place and this is one of those times. After doing the anthology it’s almost like having a clean slate and I feel the same excitement now that Vince and I felt after we wrote Sometimes. It just depends on whether we get the exposure we deserve, which is very hard to come by in this cliquey reality star festooned crazy world we live in.

The reissue of Andy’s album Electric Blue 3 CD set is out on Friday 24 February and you can pre-order it from

The Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, London, SW4 7UJ.

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