
Feral: Review by Jack Cline


It takes two hours to binge-watch the eight episodes of this web series about young gay artists in Memphis, played by Jordan Nichols and Seth Daniel Rabinowitz. Written and directed by Morgan Jon Fox, the show has an artistic sensibility that draws the viewer in, focussing on the characters’ inner lives rather than a soapy plot. This sometimes leaves everything feeling a bit thin and unfocussed, but the emotions are big and strong.

A lot happens to these two guys over the course of the series. Billy (Nichols) has an inexpressive boyfriend with serious depression issues, while Daniel (Rabinowitz) wants to run away to be an artist in a bigger city. Both are dealing with the arrival of a new housemate (Ryan Masson). And everyone has some sort of personal crisis going on, plus a variety of relationship wrinkles.

Despite the show’s title, this is all fairly tame stuff, mainly because it’s so loose and over-serious. It’s not terribly sexy, nor do all of the scenes ring true. But the actors are likeable enough to hold the interest all the way through these eight episodes. And it looks terrific, touching on resonant gay themes and sometimes striking a real nerve.


Feral is currently available on DVD and VOD from TLA Releasing.

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