
G-A-Y Porn Idol with Lady Bunny this Thursday 23rd March

Sluts, Kardashians, gay rights, political correctness, RuPaul’s Drag Race and big black cocks. Is there anything Lady Bunny doesn’t have a strongly-held opinion on? Not really. Read the wit and wisdom of her royal Bunniness here and experience it live and in the flesh this Thursday (23 Mar) at G-A-Y Porn Idol.

On the Kardashian empire and raw ambition

‘It all started when Kim sucked off a black man on video. I thought, “Wow! I’m going to have to start recording my sexcapades… With as much dick as I’ve sucked, I’d be the Pope by now!”’

On being fat-shamed

‘If Bianca Del Rio tries to point me out on stage, she is going to say, “It’s the fat old one with five blonde wigs on her head!” That is what I am! If I don’t want to be fat-shamed, I need to stop eating!’

On why New York City is over

‘Sure, New York is hoppinG – if you’re five years of age. We’ve got Disney shows on Broadway and clubs full of people sitting around looking at their phones. We don’t deserve to call ourselves a party destination anymore.’

On why she’s not a family-friendly performer

‘I found that out the hard way when I performed with a dildo dangling from my crotch during one Bible Belt city’s Gay Pride festival. There was a little girl on her daddy’s shoulders in the front row and in one photo it looked like the dildo was dangling in front of her face. At the end of the day I’m a twisted whore and I’ve got to do the kind of humour I enjoy. I think bears are my favourite audience.’

On inspiring words for new drag queens coming onto the scene

‘Give in to your worst fears and your stage fright and hide yourself away so that crusty old pigs like me don’t have any competition! You will fail! You will fail! You will fail! And then they’ll all laugh at you. It’s definitely not worth the risk, sister girl.’

On why the RuPaul’s Drag Race generation of drag queens don’t always cut it

‘I have found that Drag Race has created – on and off the show – a lot of drag queens who do perfect nose contouring and make up because they watch YouTube videos about it, but they don’t necessarily have too much to do once they’re in their look. The show de-emphasises talent. While it has introduced many fun queens, some of these queens have never even performed prior to their audition tapes. That’s a slap in the face to all the queens nationwide who have honed their craft but don’t fit on the show.’

On slut-shaming

‘It’s something I’ve been hearing a lot about. I don’t even know what that is. I mean, isn’t being called dirty names the most fun part about being a slut?’

On gays going mainstream

‘I often disagree with the mainstream gay stuff. I’m not interested in marriage. I don’t understand the mainstream gay rights approach. I find it very disturbing that the main event on the agenda before marriage was getting gays to fight in the military. I believe that gays should have equal rights across the board, but it strikes me as very odd that an oppressed people would want to go overseas and oppress Iraqi people. I want gay people to be smarter than that.’

On her preference for big black cocks

‘Well, they are normally bigger… I do like white guys too, as long as they have big black cocks!’

On everyone looking the same

‘Madonna has been pretty good about not changing her features with facial surgery, but when she got the cheek implants it was like, “OK, now you’re Asian.” I mean, I actually think that they suit her, but I do think it’s dangerous to have a cookie-cutter approach to beauty. I use the fillers from McDonald’s. It fills your face right out, minimises wrinkles and is so much cheaper.’

On the part of her body she loves the most

‘Whichever part currently has a dick in it!’

On how modern life is rubbish

‘If you take away the drug of the internet and the popularity contest of Instagram likes, retweets or whatever, then kids will actually dance, talk, buy each other drinks and have a good time.’

On political correctness

‘Everyone is so politically correct that they just made Dick Van Dyke change his name to Penis Van Lesbian.’

On how safer sex saved her life

‘If I can not get HIV by being a slut but by being a safe slut, I think that should be encouragement for anyone.’

G-A-Y Porn Idol with guest judge Lady Bunny is this Thursday 23rd March at Heaven, Under the Arches, off Villiers Street, London, WC2N 6NG.

Entry is £1 with a wristband from the G-A-Y Bar. 

If you want to strip at G-A-Y Porn Idol send a message to 07789 553 868 or email [email protected].

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