
Tonight Raven at G-A-Y Porn Idol: “My best advice: wash yourself and have some rhythm.”

Young, beautiful and fabulous… and no longer broke! Tonight (9 Mar) G-A-Y Porn Idol welcomes the one and only (well, there’s only room for one Raven on this planet!), Raven.

Hi Raven, Young, Broke and Fabulous was the name of your ‘autobiography’ on Drag Race. Not so broke now…

I have done well for myself, thank you! I don’t live outside of my means and I’m able to pay my bills on time… If that’s what you mean! I don’t gouge the venues in which I am going to appear. I still work at all of my local clubs and bars for exactly what I was paid before I appeared on RuPaul’s Drag Race. If I am packing a suitcase and heading out of town, of course, I ask for a bit more! That’s par for the course.

And now you’re getting money to watch young people take their clothes off in front of you at G-A-Y Porn Idol. How does that feel?

Like a whore! Pay me… I will be there!

What are you looking for in a good stripper? You must have known some pro strippers in the past: give tips.

I actually haven’t known any strippers, to be honest. Plenty of go-go boys, yes… I was also one for a few months in my early twenties. My best advice, as an observer: wash yourself and have some rhythm. Not too many people want to watch a smelly person who has no moves!

So you’ve never got naked for cash?

Naked for cash? No! I did get naked in RuPaul’s All Stars for a photo shoot. The grand prize was money… So I guess I have in a way.

How is it coming to London? What do you look forward to doing and who do you look forward to seeing?

I’m looking forward to seeing Big Ben and Parliament. I don’t know anyone in London as this is my first time. I am very excited!

How does it feel to be two-time runner up on Drag Race? Always the bridesmaid, never the bride!

It’s an amazing accomplishment: didn’t have to win and I’m still booked solid. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Who were your friends on Drag Race

Juju and Morgan are pretty much the only two I keep in constant contact with. Morgan from years in the drag circuit back home and I met Juju when she walked into the workroom.

And enemies?

Enemies? I have none. Having people like that in your life is a waste of time.

You had some pretty starry judges, like Jackie Collins. Do you ever get starstruck?

I was starstruck with most of the judges, Jackie Collins being one of them. Terri Nunn [singer with the band Berlin], Henry Rollins, Debbie Reynolds… The list goes on and on. Terri Nunn was my favourite of the bunch. I have been a fan of hers for years!

Do you think you ever look better than RuPaul?

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

What percentage of Raven is the look and what percentage the smart mouth?

Fifty fifty.

You’re very versatile. Looking back, what is your fiercest ever look? Paris Hilton?

Paris Hilton! Yeah right! I would say my villain, Sophia Fierce from All Stars.

You said on Drag Race that you were just a man in a dress. Is that how you really feel about yourself?

Yeah! Because that is what I am! What kind of a question is this?

What kind of guys do you go for? 

I have a boyfriend. He has a beautiful heart and many qualities I have found I truly do appreciate in a soulmate. He has become my best friend and I am so very lucky to have him in life.

And what kind of guys go for you?

I don’t know what kind of guys go for me. I could not care any less about anyone else. I am in a happy relationship!

You have a web series where you critique other drag queens’ looks. Has that ever got you into trouble?

Not to my knowledge. If a queen gets offended by two queers sitting in a studio talking shit – and getting paid! – I fear for them. The world is also watching you and most likely judging more harshly. I don’t give a fuck what someone else thinks about what I’m wearing. Others should follow suit.

And finally, you were raised a Mormon. Have you had any feedback from that community?

Not really. My mom and her parents still practice but they welcome myself and my boyfriend with open arms. Never have I felt like an outcast or not wanted. There have been a few gatherings at the church I have attended and no one said anything. Some people learn to get the fuck over their religious beliefs and just be good to other people.

Raven is G-A-Y Porn Idol on Thursday 9 March, 11pm – 4am, at Heaven, Under the Arches, off Villiers Street, Charing Cross, London, WC2N 6NG.

Entry to G-A-Y Porn Idol is £1 with a wristband from G-A-Y Bar.

If you want to enter G-A-Y Porn Idol, send a message to 07789 553 868 or [email protected].

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