
Stacy Francis at G-A-Y Porn Idol this Thursday

This Thursday (16 Mar) Jeremy Joseph welcomes a very special guest judge to G-A-Y Porn Idol. She’s the larger-than-life X Factor America runner up who won our hearts in Celebrity Big Brother for being as crazy as a… It’s Stacy Francis!

So Stacy, you’re still in London!

I love it so much! I seriously don’t want to leave. It’s so beautiful and I just love the people, the warmth of everyone. People are so beautiful to me. I think it’s ‘cause I’ve got an American accent, they show me a lot of love. And now they know me from Big Brother I have people running up to me in the street and hugging me. I love it.

Everyone must be scared of you though, ‘cause you’re a crazy bitch…

Ha ha! Well, they’re not afraid of me because most of them say to me, “You really held your own in the house!” And not only that but when I stood up for myself, it was never irrational. Kim Woodburn was irrational. I wasn’t irrational. If there was an injustice, I wanted to stand up for that person.

Did you feel like you got picked on?

I did. I felt I got picked on a lot. In there, you go a bit stir crazy but coming out I thought I could have stood up for myself a bit more, even. Not just against Kim but people who picked on me a lot.

We already knew you were trouble when you went in because of your agro with Whitney Houston over a man at a nightclub. Do you think you are trouble?

No, I don’t think I’m trouble at all. I just speak up for what’s right and people take that for trouble. I don’t cause trouble but if trouble comes my way, I’m not afraid of it.

Are you looking forward to your judging role at G-A-Y Porn Idol?

Yeah, I am looking forward to that. A friend of mine told me it was a lot of fun.

What are you looking for in a penis?

What am I looking for in a penis?! I never would have expected that question! Ha ha ha. Oh my god. Listen, I’m not the average girl because the average girl is like “Size matters!” And as you probably saw, I talked about going out with Wesley Snipes and he has the biggest penis I’ve seen in my life.

How big are we talking?

It was pretty big. Like half an arm. That’s big, right? And I never really enjoyed it with him so it’s not about size with me, it’s about how I feel about the person. If I’m in love with you and we’re going there I’m not interested in how big it is.

Are you looking forward to seeing people get naked in front of you?

You kind of throw me off with these questions, I’m so sorry… I never turn my eye from it. I love men, I love beautiful men and I love men who take care of their bodies. Random men in front of me – I’ll enjoy it.

You know it’s girls as well…

I think girls are beautiful. I’ve got like a man’s eye. I give credit where credit’s due. If a woman is beautiful and has a hot body, I’ll be like, “That’s a hot body”. I don’t get jealous. I’m not a hater. I look forward to that whole night. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

Have you ever taken your clothes off for cash money?

No, I haven’t. I’m not against taking my clothes off for money but I don’t have the body confidence.

You have two kids, right?

A six year old girl and a nine year old boy, who keep me pretty busy.

If either of them came to you later and said, “Mummy, I’m gay…”?

I would love my kids no matter what. I’m a very religious person and I think God is graceful so you have to have the grace to accept people as they are. I have some amazing gay friends – beautiful, talented, loving, kind and I’ve met a lot of Christians who are not. I base it on who people are, not what they do in the bedroom.

So are you in touch with the guys from CBB?

Yeah, we have WhatsApp group that is Callum Best, Jessica, Coleen, Bianca, Nicola, Jamie, Jane C…

Is there anyone who’s not welcome?

Kim is not on it for sure. To me, Kim is the most horrific person I’ve ever met in my life. I was trying to be nice to her… When you’re in the house, guns are blazing because you’re trying to win but when you come out and you’re going on talk shows and you’re still popping shit, then I’ve got a problem with you. When I was in the house I tried to befriend her, trying to be a Christian, but that bitch is crazy!

G-A-Y Porn Idol with Stacy Francis is next Thursday 16th March at Heaven, Under the Arches, off Villiers Street, Charing Cross, London, WC2N 6NG.

Entry to G-A-Y Porn Idol is £1 with a wristband from G-A-Y Bar.

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