
Vicki Vivacious: Ku’s number one girl

Vicki Vivacious is one of the hardest working acts on the scene and two weeks ago she won silver in the Best Cabaret Act category in the Boyz Awards 2017. Vicki is a resident performer and DJ at Ku Bar Leicester Square and also works all over London and the UK. Dave Cross had a catch up with Vicki, aka Aaron, to find out more.

Hey Aaron, congratulations on winning silver in the Boyz Awards for the second year running – was it a surprise?

I’m so overwhelmed at winning silver again and to come second to my drag mummy Charlie Hides is the best. London has so many talented queens so to get top three is amazing. I can’t thank people enough for voting.

We think of you as a Ku girl but you actually play all over London and the UK – which venues are your favourites?

You’re right, everyone automatically thinks of me as a Ku girl, which is amazing because without Ku and Gary I would not be where I am now. But yes, I play across the entire country and I’m always on a bloody train somewhere. I do really love every single venue I perform in, but the little jewel in the Soho crown – apart from Ku, of course – is the Admiral Duncan. It’s always packed and the crowd just love cabaret. I adore every gig I do there.

How did you first get into drag?

Vicki is eight years old now. I remember going out on the scene, seeing the legend that is Dusty O looking amazing and thinking that I would love to do that. I entered Drag Idol and I did very badly – the lack of experience and nerves got to me. I remember a judge saying “I can’t see drag as your future…” The rest is history.

How did Vicki’s look evolve?

I have deleted any evidence off Facebook of my look at the start. It was awful, my foundation was a gorgeous shade of orange and I didn’t really understand wigs. Over the years I feel I have really evolved and my look now is much more polished.

You were an original member of the Fabulettes but now you are leaving – what made you decide to do that? 

Over the past five years I have seen a name change and God knows how many members. I will miss the group but not the drama of three drag queens without a manager. We were three strong characters with very different ideas of where we wanted the group to go and that’s why I made the decision. I wish the girls all the luck in the world but I’m ready to give Vicki my full attention.

You DJ as Vicki and also as Aaron – is there a difference in styles?

My music choices are so different when I’m in drag to when I’m Aaron. The music can be so much more fun and I can get get away with pure cheese in drag. From the first Friday in April I’m starting my new ground floor takeover and I can’t wait. It’s gonna be a camp way to start your weekend.

How did you get involved with Ku Bar in the first place?

I have been working for Ku for nine years. I started as a bar man and I was awful, the worst bar man Soho has ever seen. I remember being pulled into the office, Gary sat me down and said I’m gonna have to let you go. He wanted Vicki but not Aaron, so he gave me karaoke nights on a Sunday to host.

What does Ku mean to you? 

Ku Bar means everything to me; the people there are my London family. We have an amazing team, I love them so much and we all look after each other.

What are your plans for the future? 

I have some big projects coming up this year and I’m so excited. I have been working on my own single and can’t wait for you to hear it. I can’t thank everyone enough for the love and support in everything I do. I’m a very happy girl. Next stop: world domination!

Ku Bar Leicester Square, 30 Lisle Street, London, WC2H 7BA

Admiral Duncan, 54 Old Compton St, Soho, London W1D 4UB

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