
Panti Bliss: High Heels in Low Places, review by Stephen Vowles

Panti Bliss is fabulous and it’s not just down to the luck of the Irish that she gets a rousing reception as she walks on to the stage. This lady is a star who knows her mind and her body and what she can do with it. After all, following her eloquent speech about homophobia in 2014, she has emerged as a national treasure and is quick to tell her audience just that. With words like ‘gender-discombobulating’ forming part of her vocabulary, she lets loose on the audience with the speed of a submachine gun going off.

Fierce and fantastic, Miss Bliss knows how to work a crowd. Even when she told us about living with HIV for the last 20 years, this was done with a joke and a shake of the head. Her comedy is hilarious, poignant and very clever; 75 minutes of a ‘take no prisoners’ attitude that had people really laughing out loud and rightly so.

High Heels In Low Places is packed with good observational comedy partnered with Panti’s own life experiences and I have not seen better in recent months. Bravo! SV

Panti Bliss was at the Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, London, W1D 3NE

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