
Me, Myself and I: Caroline Reid

The creator and performer of everyone’s favourite air hostess, Pam Ann, enjoys a dirty martini up the Shard and wants her ashes scattered in the first class cabin of an old Qantas Boeing 747-400.

Where are you from originally?

I was born in a small Aboriginal town called Binbinga in the Northern Territory. I wish! I was born in Melbourne, Australia and grew up in the suburb of Vermont.

And where do you live now? 

I live in Miami, Florida with my Colombian coke dealer boyfriend. Kidding! I live on my own, but I’m never alone. I don’t have a partner or a pet I can’t even keep a plant.

Where do you stay when you visit London and why?

Mayfair, W1, because of the Arabs. A black cabbie Londoner friend of mine recently asked me where I was staying while I was in London. I told him Mayfair and he responded “So do you escort on the side?”

Apart from your shows, what do you hope to do during your visit this time round?

I’ve exhausted the black community, so it’s time to change flavour and exhaust the Arab community.

What do you love about London?

The Knowledge and black cabbies.

What was the first gay venue you visited?

The Market Bar in Melbourne I was a 16 year old virgin. My boyfriend/date at the time asked me to meet him and his ‘friend’ there. He surprised me with a diamond ring – it was so confusing because he gave me the ring and then he left with the boy. I was so blown away with the ring it didn’t even enter my mind that he was gay; I just thought he liked pretty things and had fabulous flamboyant friends.

Favourite club/bar/venue in London and why?

The bars in the Shard are sexy as fuck! I love being high up in the sky overlooking beautiful London sipping on a dirty martini. And my favourite venue is the Leicester Square Theatre because I am performing there and it’s a great intimate room for comedy.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Work hard, play harder.
What was the last theatre show you saw, where, and what did you think of it?

Lance Horne’s NEW WORK, NEW WORK at Joe’s Pub NYC was insanely mindblowlingly amazing; he is a like a human version of Marvin Suggs from The Muppet Show. I hope to collaborate with Lance one day; he is my spirit animal and partner in crime.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Apple TV. I love to watch movies and the latest US TV shows – I’m addicted to Feud right now. Watching movies and TV helps me unwind after my shows each night.

Biggest extravagance?

Gucci platform boots. Hopefully I can write those off as an expense.

What has been the highlight of your career so far and why?

Right NOW is the highlight because I just love what I do and I am so grateful to still be doing it after 20 years.

Best gift you’ve ever received and why?

A retro helicopter telephone my brother gave to me – super cool!

If you could go back in time which year would you choose and why?

I would like to go back to the 1970s when kids played outside until the street lights came on, you talked to strangers, you could smoke on planes and you had to be home to answer the phone.

What’s the best party you’ve ever been to and what made it so good?

David Furnish’s 40th birthday in Venice in 2002. It still remains the best party of all time. Pam Ann was Elton and David’s flight attendant for all their A list guests whom they flew over from London on a private Boeing 737. The highlight of the party was leaving with Donatella Versace!

Who is your LGBT hero and why?

Elton John and David Furnish because they continue to bring global awareness to HIV and AIDS through their AIDS Foundation and they throw awesome fucking parties.

Who are the most entertaining people you follow on Twitter? 

World Star Hip Hop; Sam Kalidi; Best of Grindr.

Where in the world would you like to visit before you die and why? 

Arizona Airplane Boneyard, it’s where jetliners go to die. It just makes sense to visit all of my favourite planes at their final resting place, probably the very planes that have gifted me an extraordinary life of flying. I will have my ashes scattered in the first class cabin of an old Qantas Boeing 747-400.

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

“If you weren’t molested as a child you were ugly.” – Kiki and Herb

Pam Ann: Touch Trolley Run to Galley runs until 27 May at the Leicester Square Theatre, 6 Leicester Place, London, WC2H 7BX.

Book tickets via or 0207 734 2222.

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