
Theatre: SOHO at The Peacock Theatre review

Boyz theatre critic Stephen Vowles experiences the wonders of Soho like never before. *****

High-energy, jaw-dropping entertainment does not come any better than this. Stufish production SOHO is innovative, adrenalin-driven and very sexy. It features incredible feats of strength with performers using trapeze, silk ropes, climbing frames and props, one of which is a huge hula hoop that acts as a kind of giant peephole into the world of Soho.

The background imagery is a technical masterpiece with the clever use of LED walls showing Soho streets. The stage is full of activity all the time creating perfectly the hustle and bustle of Soho’s streets. The intensity of this show is totally enthralling and the cast members are clearly at the top of their respective games, demonstrating a true passion for their crafts.

Special mention has to be made to Charlee Rico Debolla, whose use of ariel straps is one of the most masculine and sexual things I’ve seen in a theatre in a long time; audible gasps of appreciation were heard from an audience that were loving every death-defying act. Bravo!

SOHO: Circus, Street Dance, Theatre runs until this Saturday (20 May) at The Peacock, Portugal Street, Holborn, London, WC2A 2HT. Book tickets in advance via

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