
Backroom Jungle at the Two Brewers

This Friday the Backroom team at the Two Brewers are heading to the jungle with DJs Simon Le Vans, Matt Bogard, Sam Londt and Liam Chaplin. Plus the night kicks off with a special show from the Jungle Queen herself the DE Experience. We asked Sam, Liam and Edna aka Jonathan Hellyer some ‘I’m a Celebrity’ styled jungle themed questions.

Who in the whole world would you most like to be in the jungle with? 

Jonathan: I’d want someone who could hunt and kill and who could keep me entertained – Rose West? No, not really. Erm… ah yes… Bear Grylls… naked and permanently aroused; purely because it makes one hardier. Right?

Sam: See as much as you think I would go for the hottest guy imaginable, I’m gonna need some entertainment and not just some totty… On second thoughts, I’d rather spend my time with Zac Efron, I’m sure we can find something to do to keep us entertained.

Liam: Well for comic value, Alan Carr. You can imagine the hilarious outbursts – although I’m not sure I’d be much better. For survival in the jungle, I’d have to choose Bear Grylls though. I might actually get out alive and the view wouldn’t be too bad on the way.

And who would you least like to be stranded with? 

Sam: Oh wow, I can think of a few people but I’d have to say Liam, he is my co-promotor of Backroom and he moans about pretty much anything, so imagine what he would be like stranded in the jungle.

Jonathan: Oh that’s easy – Colleen Nolan.

Liam: Definitely Piers Morgan – no explanation needed!

Is there anything you wouldn’t do to win food in the jungle or drinks tickets at the Brewers? 

Jonathan: I’m a woman of principles, you know. I’m not the type to just go at it in the back of some workman’s van just for a gulp from his Thermos. OK. No. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do.

Liam: Anything to do with bugs. I have diva fits when moths fly in my room, let alone some of those challenges.

Sam: I’d like to say there is nothing I wouldn’t do but if I was expected to touch or be in the same room as one of them big spiders you get in the jungle… I’d sooner starve!

If you could only have one song in the jungle what would it be? 

Sam: Easy! Anyone that knows me, knows that my all time favourite song is Vogue by Madge. I can hear that on loop and still be happy.

Liam: Despacito! It’s such a summer song! Spoiler – I have a great little remix for Friday.

Jonathan: Wim o Weh – but Yma Sumac’s live studio version. Pop that on repeat on the stereogram and the lion would most certainly sleep. Instant safety. Win win! Or is it Wim Wim?

If you could have one luxury in the jungle what would it be? 

Jonathan: Flavoured condoms – you always have a snack, you’re never lonely and they’re perfect for bartering. I personally like the ones that grow in the hedgerows of Brighton Beach. You know… the ones that drop to the ground very early in the morning. No?

Sam: My music. I don’t think there is a day goes by where I’m not blasting out music at some point. It’s such a big part of my life.

Liam: Air Con! Impractical but couldn’t be without it for long at all. That, and my toothbrush. Nothing worse than a guy with bad breath.

The Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4.

Tickets for D.E. Experience are £7 from the bar or on 0207 819 9539.

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