
Film: Wild Awakening review by Jack Cline

From Spain, this lusty gay romp has the tone of a pornographic Latino soap opera, and I mean that as a good thing! It’s the torrid story of the handsome young Toni (Fabian Castro), who has just inherited the family ranch but is more interested in partying and sex. Enter super-hot stable boy Aaron (Christian Blanch), who sends Toni into a lather, literally. Stir in Aaron’s violently homophobic dad, Toni’s jealous ex and a tranny who thinks she’s Sharon Stone in Fatal Instinct and you have the ingredients for a guilty pleasure. And while the production values can best be described as cheesy, the actors aren’t half bad. Honestly, how can you hate a movie when it includes a random scene in which Aaron grooms the horses stark naked?

Wild Awakening is on DVD/VOD now from TLA (

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