
Amy Lamé tells us about her new book

From Prejudice to Pride is the new book from gay scene legend and London’s Night Czar Amy Lamé about LGBT+ history, aimed at young people. Dave Cross had a chinwag with Amy to find out more about this exciting new book.

Hey Amy, how would you describe From Prejudice to Pride?

From Prejudice to Pride is the first book on LGBTQ+ history aimed at young people. It’s chilling to think this book would have been illegal 13 years ago under Section 28. Knowledge is power, and young people need to be informed about our LGBTQ+ history. We have been written out, ignored and explained away for too long. There are charities, such as Stonewall, who do great work in schools, but there’s a real lack of resources for teachers who want to explore this history with students. That’s where From Prejudice to Pride comes in!

It’s not just for kids though is it? 

That’s right. It’s also great for adults who want an accessible book exploring our history. There are lots of wordy academic tomes on our history, but nothing that’s easy to read, informative and looks fab.

How difficult was it to write, aiming it at a younger audience?

I have never written for children before, so it was a challenge. Kids are smart and can absorb so much, so I didn’t want to write the book in a way that underestimated their intelligence. It was still hard to write about certain topics, making sure the facts shine through without too much jargon. Writing the section on HIV and AIDS was tough, from a factual and emotional point. I want young people to be empowered and informed by this book, so getting it right was super important.

Was there a moment of inspiration or did the concept evolve over time?

I was asked to write the book by Hachette, and they gave me complete control over the structure and content. It was quite a daunting task! I worked on it intensely for two months, but my ‘lightbulb’ moment happened when I was writing the book at my mom’s kitchen table in New Jersey.  I was surrounded by my nieces and nephews, all under the age of 8. Being in the house I grew up in with all the memories of how difficult it was to come out and be accepted, I thought ‘I’ve got to do a good job on this book for my nieces and nephews… and for all young people who deserve a better time coming out than I did.’ That drove me forward.

The look of the book is quite striking, with its illustrations and design. Can you tell us about that?

This was a totally queer project from beginning to end. The book was designed by Zed from TheyThem Studios, who identifies as gender non binary. My editor is a gay man, and in case you hadn’t realised, I’m a lesbian! We all came together to try and create a book that was infused with LGBT+ love. We had a feeling we were creating something special and wanted to be sure it stood out on the bookshelves.  That really comes out in Zed’s design, it’s bold, colourful and clever.

What has the reaction been to the book?

It’s been received positively, but many were surprised to realise a book like this hasn’t been published before. I’ve had quite a few LGBTQ+ people buying a copy for themselves and a copy to send to their school library, or to give to a niece or nephew. That’s powerful, and it’s the best reaction I could ask for. Sharing knowledge and love is the way forward.

From Prejudice to Pride is out now and available on Amazon.

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