
Meet the star of Twilight Song

Twilight Song by the late Kevin Elyot is on now at the Park Theatre, Finsbury Park and is set on summer nights, in the 1960s and in the present. Dave Cross spoke to star Adam Garcia about this fascinating play.

Hi Adam, what’s the story in Twilight Song?

It’s a story of love primarily. It’s about wanting to love and wanting to be loved. It’s also very much about secret lives and their consequences.

What can you tell us about your character Skinner? 

Skinner is a real estate agent who has been damaged by the loss of his family.

What is his relationship with the rest of the characters? 

He meets a man called Barry and is trying to get Barry to instruct him to sell his house. During the course of this interaction they open up to each other.

The play is set on various nights, in the 60s and in the present, how is this achieved on stage? 

Three actually. A sunny evening in the summer of 1961, another evening in 1967 and a gloomy day in the present. The set is efficiently sparse and the action all takes place in one room in a house in North London. The masterful lighting gives us the weather.

You’ve been in another Kevin Elyot piece, Riot on the BBC, what is it about his writing that appeals to you? 

I also did one of his Miss Marple adaptations. He is so specific and detailed at the same time as being incredibly taut in his writing. It’s totally trimmed of fat. All the clues are there for both actor and audience. To work on his writing is a real joy.

What do you think people will take away from Twilight Song?

The play is both touching and comic and I think there’s so much to take away from it. There’s the attitude and politics over the decades towards sexuality and how in some ways it hasn’t changed or it’s become even more complicated.

Twilight Song at the Park Theatre, Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, N4.

Tickets from 0207 870 6876 or

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