
Pam Ann vs. Jimmy Smith: the battle of the Two Brewers giants this Sunday

This Sunday it’s going to be all go at the Two Brewers with two amazing events happening at the same time. In the Cabaret Bar there’s a host of stars performing to celebrate Brewers Manager Jimmy Smith’s 25 years working on the scene. While in the Club Bar the unstoppable Caroline Reid aka Pam Ann, who has known Jimmy for most of that time, will be performing her show Mothership. We decided to find out exactly what these two titans of the gay scene actually think about each other. Ladies and gentlemen, Pam Ann vs. Jimmy Smith.

Pam Ann

Hi Pam, when did you first meet Jimmy Smith and what was your first impression? 

I first met Jimmy out the front of the Two Brewers in 1999. He’d rushed out to help me with my airline food cart and suitcases full of props for my first show there. My first impression was: hungry power bottom!

How would you describe your relationship with Jimmy? 


What do you know about Jimmy’s life before he was at the Two Brewers?

Jimmy used to be a heavy set blonde woman called Jemima. She lived in Hove and used to paint nude explicit watercolours in her basement flat and sell them on the Brighton boardwalk. Later they discovered Jemima had held captive gay men in her basement and groomed them to become drag queens. Sandra was rumoured to have been one of Jimmy’s captives. This is why no one ever leaves The Brewers, they’re scared.

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done at the  Brewers?

It was a long time ago and I can’t divulge exactly what I was doing but it did involve security throwing me out of the Brewers… only to be let back in so I could get my show costumes and props.

How would you describe Jimmy’s taste in men? 

Verbal tops

This Sunday you’re back at the Brewers and it’s Jimmy’s anniversary … will this be referenced at all? 

Everything I say is said with love… everything!

 Jimmy Smith

Hey Jimmy, when did you first meet Pam and what was your first impression? 

Well, that takes me back, 21 years ago. We were slightly younger then and I thought she was bonkers. She still is.

How would you describe your relationship? 

Caroline has always been such a loyal friend to me and the Two Brewers. She has never forgotten her roots and returns to us year after year.

What do you think Caroline did before she was Pam Ann?

I actually found her working as a toilet attendant in some bar in Australia, but please don’t tell her you heard that from me!

What’s the worst thing she’s ever done at the Brewers?

There was one time when I was on holiday and she called me in complete disgust that she had been thrown out by security for being drunk and disorderly. She tells me she’s t-total now… LOL.

How would you describe her taste in men? 

Her and Sandra are two of a kind when it comes to men… anything with a pulse.

Pam is at the Brewers this Sunday coinciding with your 25th Anniversary… are you scared? 

No not at all, although I may have selective hearing that evening.


Tickets for Pam Ann Mothership are £15 from the bar or 0207 819 9539.

Entry to Cabaret Bar is free before 8pm.

The Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4.

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