
Scene News: Halfway II Heaven, Pam Ann, The RVT and more

Dolly Diamond at Halfway

This weekend you can get two bites of the delicious treat that is Dolly Diamond at Halfway II Heaven. As part of Dolly’s The Lady is a Tramp tour the cabaret sensation from Down Under will be at Halfway at 9pm on Saturday (29 Jul) and at CK Sunday the next day at 5pm with Crystal and Kelly. Plus the rest of the weekend is as busy at ever at the Boyz Award-winning venue with both Lola Lasagne and Myra DuBois on Friday (28 Jul) and then Mary Mac, Rose Garden and the Vixens on Saturday alongside Dolly!

Pam’s back at the Brewers

On Sunday 6 August prepare for an invasion of the outrageous kind when the one and only Pam Ann lands her Mothership show at the Two Brewers. Our favourite non basic bitch will be in the Club Bar putting the world to rights from 8pm. Tickets are on sale now at the bar or on 0207 819 9539.


This Saturday (29 Jul) sees the opening of SingOUT an exhibition by photograher Gaz of LGBT people in musical theatre. Presented by the Gay Photographers Network this fascinating show features some beautiful images and is in support of Diversity Role Models. It’s open every day from noon to 6pm at 117 Wallis Road, E9.

DJs at Comptons

There’s another great weekend ahead of hot guys and hot DJs at Comptons. The fun starts on Thursday (27 Jul) with the legend that is Tasty Tim followed by the gorgeous Miswhite on Friday. On Saturday (29 Jul) it will be the cheeky chap Louis Chatten bringing the beats to the Old Compton Street venue. Get in there.

Boom at Theatre 503

Boom by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb opens at Theatre 503 in Battersea on Wednesday 2 August. This intriguing play features a marine biologist, offers of ‘sex to change the world’, a fish tank and the future of the human race. Tickets and information from

Bette’s Blankety Blank at the RVT

On Wednesday 23 August the marvellous Bette Rinse is hosting her own live version of Blankety Blank at the RVT to raise cash for the Mildmay HIV Hospital. The contestants will be Drag Idol 2017 winner Tracy Barlow, Lenard Pink, Miss Hope Springs, Son Of A Tutu, Miss Jason and Fagulous. Get advance tickets for just £5 from

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