
Trouble with Men at the King’s Head Theatre: Review by Stephen Vowles

Nick Myles’s Trouble with Men is three short plays: Three Men and Some Baggage, a farce; Details, a drama and finally London-Damascus, the love story. Three 15 minute bursts of pure energy and a delight to watch. Written by Myles, who now directs his own work, it’s clear that by wearing his director’s hat he has made a very profound and clever statement about playing emotional games, power struggles, unrequited love and the invasion of privacy. He also explores the way nerves can affect any given situation where the power of blatant sexual attraction and discovery of a certain kind of attraction can be damaging when lust comes along, the need for sexual fulfilment and that different liaisons will have consequences. Myles is also keen to raise the point that love has no respect for creed, religion, colour, upbringing or social class. And that technology and the use of it can at times be the only way to satisfy any yearnings. This is a fresh and inspiring look at relationships where the trouble with men is imaginatively explained.

The trio of actors , Reece Matthews as Ray in play number 1 and Ahmed in play 3; Freddie Wintrip as Fin in play 1 and Adam in play 3 and lastly William McGeough as Walker in play 1 and as Peter in play 2 are all excellent especially McGeough in Details. This is a beautifully played monologue that is actually awesome and proves that when an actor fleshes out a particular part it can only be magical. Wintrip and Matthews are also superb and when they play out London-Damascus the emotional range shown by both of them shows both confidence and competence. As part of this year’s Queer Festival at the King’s Head Theatre this is a very important part of the programme. An uplifting 45 minutes of theatrical class.


Trouble with Men runs to the 20th August at the King’s Head Theatre, Islington. Box office 020 7226 8561.

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