In Pictures

Blankety Blank at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern: Wednesday 23rd August

Blankety Blank at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern: Wednesday 23rd August

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Last Wednesday the gang at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern organised one of the most bonkers and truly hilarious nights we have ever been to. Blankety Blank was a fundraiser for the Mildmay HIV hospital and was hosted by the one and only Bette Rinse, who was hysterically funny from the off. Joining her on stage as the game show panel were Son of a Tutu, Lenard Pink, Miss Hope Springs, Fagulous, Stevie Nice and Tracy Barlow plus she had assistance from both Stephanie Von Clitz and Carmen Dioxide. The whole night was chaotic, surreal and totally enjoyable. In the end they raised over £1200, well done to Bette, Jason Reid and the team for such a great night.

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