
It’s a Knockout at Halfway II Heaven every Tuesday

It’s a Knockout is the annual cabaret talent showcase hosted by Bette Rinse at Halfway II Heaven. The 2017 showdown is on now and every Tuesday night until the final on 3 October. Dave Cross asked each of the six contestants to sum themselves up and here’s what they said.

Veronica Montenegro (above)

“Veronica Alejandra Rosa-María Gutiérrez Narváez Montenegro De Las Mercedes; she’s a Colombian, ex-telenovela actress, with delusions of grandeur, and a story for every occasion – She’s got a big heart (mostly due to carbs), and a big ass (mostly thanks to silicone). Veronica is like a more fabulous extension of my personality, but with added the spice of people that I’ve met and who have inspired me throughout my life – she is unapologetically Latino, and unapologetically FIERCE!”

Vanity Nightmare

“Vanity is an old school cabaret queen at heart. Taylor Swift meets Gaga mixed together with some Satine from Moulin Rouge, it’s a hellish kinda cocktail which you’re sure to remember the next day. Why have the sweet dream when you can have a beautiful nightmare?”

Cynthia Seeweed

“Cynthia Seaward, 26, is the current reigning Worst Queen In London™. She likes flowers, spaghetti, high ceilings, anarcho-socialism, seventh-wave feminism, and getting attention. Shockingly, she’s unmarried.”

Holly Dunn-Something

“Holly thinks she’s pretty funny, as in both pretty AND funny, and she hopes that you think so too. Holly is happily married to Mr. Dunn, and has an ever-growing number of children. Her catchphrases include ‘Please laugh’ and ‘Where the fuck are my Jaffa Cakes?’”

Aura Jay

‘’Take a touch of makeup, a dash of sequins and a whole lot of voice and you’ve got Aura Jay. Aura likes to wow her audience with killer vocals while belting out a range of songs. She has certainly got the moves, so be prepared to be entertained through every show.”

Felix Le Freak

“Felix Le Freak is a hopeless guttersnipe who just wants a life free from responsibilities and gender constructs. Unfortunately Felix runs into trouble wherever she goes. Her work on stage is the story of all the characters she’s met, the music she loves and the scrapes she narrowly survives.”

It’s a Knockout every Tuesday from 9pm at Halfway II Heaven.

Entry is free.

Halfway II Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF.

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