In Pictures

David Hoyle at the RVT: Thursday 12 October

David Hoyle at the RVT: Thursday 12 October

If ever a venue and a performer are made for each other it has to be David Hoyle and the Royal Vauxhall Tavern and that special relationship was sparkling last Thursday.

Throughout October David is at the RVT every Thursday with a series of shows marking 100 years since the October Revolution in Russia. During the show David expressed his disarmingly honest view of the modern world that was thought provoking, moving and always highly entertaining, he remains a compelling and engaging performer. He was joined his regular co-hort Pam Lustgarden and by special guest Azara. David Hoyle really is a performer to be cherished and there’s no better way to see him than at this venue he clearly loves as much as we do.

Photos by Captain Jack

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