
Me, Myself and I: DJ Charlie Holland

Charlie Holland is the Boyz Award-winning DJ who is a resident at Ku as well as playing at many other venues. He really loves elephants and would love to have seen Amy Winehouse in concert.

Where are you from originally?

Reading, Berkshire. I moved to London four and half years ago and haven’t looked back.

And where do you live now? 

Stratford. I just moved into a beautiful new apartment with my boyfriend and best friend. It’s super cute.

What do you love about London and why?

I love that every day of the week at anytime there is always something to do, no matter what you are in to. The diversity of the people that you get to meet makes each day interesting.

What was the first gay venue you visited?

The Richmond Arms about eight years ago. To be honest I don’t remember anything about the night but I suppose that means it was a great night, right?

What is your favourite night to DJ at Ku?

Thursdays because I get to see my boys Claudio and David, aka Sexshooters, who are the Thursday night residents.

What’s your favourite club/bar/venue in London apart from Ku and why?

I suppose this changes from time to time but I love the Two Brewers; I love DJing there, always such great vibes and the drag is fabulous!

What was the last theatre show you saw, where, and what did you think of it?

Dreamgirls at the Savoy, my other half took me on my birthday and I had that usual hype of excitement at seeing Amber Riley as Effie, but sadly she wasn’t on that night, but her understudy was amazing! She really blew me away when she sang ‘I Am Changing’; I had chills! It was phenomenal.

What is your guilty pleasure and why?

Gaming. I am a secret geek. I love computer games, whether it be shoot ‘em up or fantasy, I love getting lost in a game. It’s like a little escape out of reality for a bit and a switch off from work.

Biggest extravagance?

Probably an engagement ring. I proposed to my boyfriend at the beginning of this year and as we all know those rings aren’t cheap.

Best gift you’ve ever received and why? 

My first DJ controller. I received it about four years ago at Christmas as I had kept saying how much I wanted to learn how to DJ and getting this gave me the kick up the tushie and drive to teach myself.

What has been the highlight of your career so far and why?

Playing at Private Life on the roof last summer on top of the Blue Fin building with a view of London’s skyline. It was such an epic venue and the party itself was incredible, vibes galore. The Private Life family really served it extra that day.

If you could go back in time which year would you choose and why? 

If I regret anything in life it would be never getting the chance to see Amy Winehouse live, so I would go back to see her perform, because when she was good she was sensational. I’m such a fan.

What’s the best party you’ve ever been to and what made it so good?

I have to revert back to my career highlight because I think that answer applies to this question too. It was easily my favourite party I’ve been to. But there will be plenty more I’m sure that will surpass it.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

That you cannot please anyone. I’ve always been such a trier and wanted to always make everyone happy, but it’s so true you just can never please everyone, you can only do your best.

Who is your LGBT+ hero and why?

I like it when big stars such as Lady Gaga and P!nk use their celebrity to promote LGBT rights. I’m not the biggest fan of either of their music but I love that they both are always concerned and fighting for the LGBT community. People in their position have a big voice and it’s great to see them using it.

Who are the most entertaining people you follow on Twitter and why?

I really don’t use Twitter for anything other than following cute dog and puppy profiles and look at photos and videos of cute dogs all day.

Where in the world would you like to visit before you die and why? 

India for sure. I would love to take some time out and go and work with an elephant sanctuary. I LOVE ELEPHANTS and it would be a dream of mine to do that.

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

How little my worries would be as a child/teenager compared to what they become when you start adulting.

Charlie is a resident DJ at Klub at Ku Leicester Square, 30 Lisle Street, WC2.  

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