
Theatre: Consumables at Kings Head Theatre – Review

Consumables at the Kings Head Theatre

until 14 October


Matthew Kyne Baskott’s strangely erotic play Consumables asks the questions what is a perverse act? And if a human being needs to get his kicks in a certain way and if it is between two consenting adults, then why not?

The three actors – Susan Aderin as Mrs Joseph, Michael Hanratty as Blaize and Timothy Harker as Leonard, deliver the script with the power and speed of an express train coming at you full steam. Issues of lust, loneliness, OCD and the need to be treated as a human being are explored, at times in a riotous fashion that makes the play even more fun to watch. This is a very modern tale about society and how brutal, violent and unforgiving it can be. Special mention has to be made to Harker who spends a lot of the time wearing a gimp mask and excelled in expressing with just his eyes. The production is provocative and yes warped in certain places but that is the point of the play. Consumables was a joy to consume from starter to dessert. SV

Kings Head Theatre, 115 Upper Street, Islington, N1. Box office 020 7226 8561, 

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