
A week of fundraising at Ku for World AIDS Day from Friday

Over the past two decades the team at Ku Group have raised thousands of pounds for worthy causes on or around World AIDS Day with a series of amazing auctions. This year the group are doing something a bit different and Dave Cross spoke to owner Gary Henshaw to find out more.

Hi Gary, why do you think it’s important that bars and clubs organise events for World AIDS Day? 

Ku has been supporting World AIDS Day since its inception. It is something that is very close to my heart, as I lived through the worst years of the ravages of AIDS and like so many lost some of my very best friends. Awareness, education and fundraising are essential even as HIV has become a manageable condition in the western world it still is spreading so World AIDS Day is a reminder to all about the importance of safe sex. It’s also a time to show support to our friends living with HIV.

Why have you chosen to support The Food Chain? 

The Food Chain is a London based charity that supports people and families of people living with HIV by providing vital food and nutritional support as well as education. It’s a relatively small charity so we feel our support goes a long way.

In the past you have done big auctions on the day itself but this year you are spreading it over a week, why the change?  

The truth is that the auction became too big, too successful and we couldn’t cope with the influx of so many supporters. This year we decided to spread our fundraising over an entire week starting Friday 1 December and running up to our 22nd Birthday on Friday 8 December. Never say never to a surprise auction though.

Can you talk us through the fundraising planned? 

We are planning lots of fundraising events over the week. We have tons of fabulous stuff to give away, we have a prize tree, a Ku Santa boy with Santa’s sack of goodies and our exclusive Ku WAD cap merchandise. There is the chance that we ‘may’ have an auction on our birthday night, Friday 8 December at 8pm at Leicester Square, followed by our traditional Champagne toast.

Entry to the bars is free.

Ku Leicester Square, 30 Lisle Street, WC2. 

Ku Soho, 25 Frith Street, Soho, W1.

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