In Pictures

Beard Aid at The RVT: Thursday 9 November

Beard Aid at The RVT: Thursday 9 November 

Last Thursday night we were at a packed Royal Vauxhall Tavern for the second annual Beard Aid fundraiser for the Terrence Higgins Trust and GMFA.

This brilliantly entertaining night is a joint venture from the chaps at BEEFMINCE and our favourite Northern star Myra DuBois. We were treated to shows from Lady DuBois and Drag Idol winner Tracy Barlow plus the centrepiece of the night when 12 brave men had their beards shaved off live on stage… by actual barbers not Myra or Tracy we hasten to add. In the end an incredible £8,405 was raised and you can still donate at Well done to everyone involved!

Photos by FDphoto

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