
Coming up next week at the RVT

The only thing that’s typical about the Royal Vauxhall Tavern is that there’s no such thing as a typical week. We’ve picked three totally different events happening next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to illustrate the point and asked the promoters to tell us more.

PopHorror IX – Teenage Scream

Wednesday 8 November, 8.30pm – midnight

“Once Halloween has died down we continue our year round tribute to all things horror with our 9th PopHorror show at the RVT. Teenage Scream is dedicated to Katy Perry and other 21st century pop babes, so you can expect to hear the likes of Miley, Taylor, Carly, Ariana and Kesha. Our performers Baby Lame, Veronica Montenegro, Crystal Beth and Evelyn Carnate will be giving some of their hits a horror twist with their performances. I’ve been checking in with the cast and can confirm that so far we have auto-cannibalism, vampires and psychotic grudges – just like the MTV Awards, right? It’s often the lightest and fluffiest pop that works brilliantly when interpreted in a dark and gory fashion. Think of it as a scary movie with a cast of perky pop divas – who’s going to make it to the end? Or will it all end in a bloody Freddy vs Jason battle between Katy and Taylor resulting in violent death by tweet? Plus we’ll have horror movie mash ups, games and gore – and, as we’re there for the pop just as much as the horror, an after show disco till midnight!”

Paul Joseph – PopHorror

Beard Aid 2017

Thursday 9 November, 6pm – midnight

“BeefMince and Myra DuBois came up with the Beard Aid concept in support of World AIDS Day in 2016. The aim of the event is to raise funds for Terrence Higgins Trust and GMFA. After a very successful event last year, with over £8,000 raised, we are at it again. Due to Myra’s busy celebrity schedule, the charity event will take place on Thursday 9 November at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, where both Myra and BeefMince hold residencies. We cannot wait to witness another 12 bears sacrificing their ursine identity by having their beards shaved off LIVE on stage by the Beard Aid barbers, as well as a full performance from Myra DuBois and the live sheering on stage there will be the Bare Faced Beauty Contest, a top-notch auction and a special guest performance from Tracy Barlow. Meanwhile, the BeefMince residents, DJs Silverhook and Cactushead, will be swapping their house beats for a pop party. Doors will open at 6pm and the show starts at 8pm. It is only a fiver to get in and it all goes to charity. You can donate at

Argyris Georgopoulos – BeefMince

Anthem – Love Muscle Classics

Friday 10 November, 9pm – 5am

“This special Anthem is a tribute night celebrating music from the glory days of the legendary gay club night, Love Muscle, which ran from 1992 at the Fridge in Brixton. There is still so much love for the tunes played at that club and with it being a quarter of a century since it launched I thought it the perfect opportunity to hold a special Anthem Old Skool Reunion retrospective where all of those big Love Muscle favourites could be played back-to-back all night. DJs Andy Almighty and Sean Sirrs, who both DJed at the Fridge, will play definitive Love Muscle party sets featuring the biggest and most popular anthems, from start to finish. And we have a PA from Rebekah Ryan who will perform her 90s hits You Lift Me Up and Just A Little Bit Of Love. If you were a regular at Love Muscle or even if you just loved that era of uplifting NRG and trance, this is a party you won’t want to miss.”

Andy Almighty – Anthem

Get info and tickets for these events and others including Duckie and Sunday Social at

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