
DJ Demon: this week’s Me, Myself and I

DJ Demon is the Boyz Award-winning DJ who can be found every week in the Cabaret Bar at the Two Brewers. He started his DJ career at a football club, loves a bit of Little Mix and classic British comedies.

Where are you from originally?

I was born in Leytonstone. I grew up in Enfield, North London, until I left home at 22.

And where do you live now?

I gave up my flat last year in Waltham Abbey and moved south of the river with my boyfriend Kenny, who I’ve been with for almost five years. We have a one year old French bulldog called Buddy. He is our fur baby.

What do you love about London and why?

It’s awake at night when I am! I’ve always been a night owl and it always bugged me when I was younger that there was nothing to do when I was so awake in the suburbs, but now I can go out or just grab some food pretty much whenever I like.

What was the first gay venue you visited?

The first gay venue I went to was a small bar in a parade of shops in Wood Green near Turnpike Lane station called Catch 22. It was scary. I wasn’t out at the time and the guys in there were extremely forward, overly confident and rather promiscuous. Little did I know that a year later I would be their weekend DJ.

How did you get into DJing?

I did my first gig for my cousin’s birthday party at my brother’s football club in 1997 when MMMBop by Hanson was number one.  I distinctly remember playing that tune because I cranked up the volume for it and blew my speakers. The rest of the gig sounded rather awful but they were all drunk and wouldn’t have noticed.

What’s your current favourite track to play at the Brewers? 

Well it would be predictable for me to list any tunes from Steps latest album, wouldn’t it? The Cabaret Bar is known for its unashamedly camp party anthems rather than just the current top 40, but Little Mix have to be one of the best groups going at the moment and are hugely popular at the Brewers, so let’s go with Reggaeton Lento.

What was the last theatre show you saw, and what did you think of it?

Kenny took me to see Dreamgirls for my birthday. It was amazing. Marisha Wallace was playing Effie that night and she totally owned that stage. She blew us all away. Amazing show and amazing cast. Go see it if you haven’t!

Favourite club/bar/venue in London and why?

Well where else could it be but the Two Brewers of course. I may be slightly biased on this but it really is such a well run, well utilised space which caters for (and often sponsors) so many different teams, clubs, bands, charities, theatre and dance groups and more. It attracts all ages and people from every corner of the LGBT+ community. I don’t think there is any other gay venue that does so much for its customers.

What is your guilty pleasure and why?

Old British comedies. Fawlty Towers, Only Fools and Horses, Dads Army, Monty Python and more. I can watch them again and again for hours on end and never get bored.

Biggest extravagance?

This probably has to be my DVD and Blu-Ray collection. I have hundreds of them, mainly horrors, Disney or box sets of those guilty pleasures I mentioned above.

Best gift you’ve ever received and why?

I always remember my 17th birthday when I opened a card from my mum and she had bought me all my driving lessons. I was so excited to do them and then she told me the instructor was turning up in 20 minutes. I loved it. Best present ever.

What has been the highlight of your career so far and why?

Cabaret Sundays every week are a career highlight. From when I started working Sundays at Halfway for CK, through to the Brewers with Kandi Kane and Sandra to Miss Jason, La Voix and now Mary Mac every week, it is a joy to work with such lovely, professional and talented artists. They attract great crowds too which makes for an amazing night.

If you could go back in time which year would you choose and why?

I wish I was older in the 80s. I was born and crawling around, but I love all the vintage 80s technology, the music, TV and movies and wish I could go back and enjoy that more.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Save your money, buy a house and get a pension. I guess some things are easier said than done, eh?!

Where in the world would you like to visit before you die and why? 

One of the places on my bucket list has always been Thailand – and I booked to go there this week! We are actually meeting up with Miss Jason and a group of friends out there for a significant birthday she is celebrating, so it will be quite a messy couple of weeks, although Kenny and I plan on getting out and about too.

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

Coming out isn’t as hard as you think and the people close to you probably won’t care – in fact, they probably already know.

Demon is at the Two Brewers every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday.

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