
Get ready for the Red Run on Sunday 26 November

The Red Run is the annual World AIDS Day fun run organised by Positive East that raises money for 29 HIV charities. Dave Cross spoke to Ian Montgomery from Positive East about this very special event.

Hi Ian, for those who don’t know, what is the Red Run? 

The World AIDS Day Red Run is an annual 10k/5k charity fun run. What’s unique about the Red Run is that it’s the only event of its kind which brings together the HIV sector to raise awareness of, and vital funds for, HIV support and prevention projects across the UK.

What’s the history of the event? 

Positive East has been organising and hosting the Red Run for the past eight years which has to date raised over £250,000.  Around 50 runners attended the first Red Run back in 2009, and this year we’re expecting over 1,000!

Can you tell us about some of the charities that it benefits?  

29 HIV charities from across the UK are taking part in, and benefiting from, this year’s Red Run. These include HIV charities with a national reach to local charities such as Positive East and Brigstowe who’s coming in from Bristol.

Positive East is making sure that the Red Run is more than a 10K running event: that it’s a day that mobilises the community, keeps us talking about HIV, raises awareness of HIV support services and of course to remember and celebrate loved ones. It’s a collective event that we want everyone to feel a part of. We want it to be a powerful and meaningful day.

When and where is this year’s event? 

Everything will take place in the north east corner of Victoria Park, Bow, E3 on Sunday 26 November. Check in will open at 11am with the Run’s festivities beginning at 12.15pm.

What else can you tell us about this year’s event? 

It’s a fantastic line up this year – we’re so grateful to those who want to be a part of it. The one and only Dame Barbara Windsor will cut the official Red Run ribbon, members from the drag girl band sensation Denim will be the official Red Run hosts and the good people from Eagle London will set up a giant tent with the legendary Horse Meat Disco on the decks providing music before and during the run. Choreographer Christopher Matthews will reprise his role and lead the group warm up. We’ll also have a panel of the UK AIDS Memorial Quilt on display and Starbucks will be generously pouring free coffee. All of this will be topped off by a post run party and BBQ in a heated tepee next to the finish line.

What do people need to do if they want to run and how else can they help?

You can register via and everyone is welcome to join in the celebration and to cheer the runners on. Of course, thank you to the 1,000 who have already registered and to this year’s sponsors: Emerald Life, Eagle London, Horse Meat Disco, Interbank, FSCS, FCA, Starbucks, Matrix Chambers, MAC, DIVA and People’s Park Tavern.

Register at 

Red Run at Victoria Park, Grove Rd, London, E3 5TB.

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