
Halfway II Heaven celebrates 26 years and Remembrance Sunday

This Sunday the team at the Boyz Award-winning Halfway II Heaven will be hosting a spectacular cabaret double celebration as it’s the venue’s 26th birthday and Remembrance Sunday. Dave Cross had a quick catch up with Halfway General Manager, Heather, and Kelly Mild, one half of CK, who will be hosting on Sunday.

Heather Elliot 

Hi Heather, how has 2017 been so far at Halfway? 

Now we are at the end of the year I can give you a short answer as there’s been so much going on. It’s been amazing. The pub goes from strength to strength. We are such a strong team, and I mean not only the staff but our customers, cabaret acts and DJs too.

What has been your highlight from the past year? 

Without a doubt Pride this year was my personal highlight. The team, the day and the people were just incredible.

The phrase ‘like a family’ is overused, but Halfway really does feel like that doesn’t it? 

I think most venues in the community feel like a family to be honest, but we definitely embrace the word family here. Everyone cares about each other and it really shows.

Halfway has the most loyal customers, can you tell us what they mean to you and the team? 

The customers are Halfway, especially our regulars. From a cheeky smile to help you though a busy shift to their unfaltering support of all our staff and events. Thank you.

Apart from the birthday bash, what else are you looking forward to for the rest of the year?

Our GMFA fundraiser event on Sunday 3 December for World AIDS Day, which is also Miss D’Canter’s birthday. Then we’ll be getting the venue ready for Christmas and all the fabulous things that are happening. Watch this space – December is going to be amazing!


Kelly Mild 

Hi Kelly, are you looking forward to the 26th Birthday bash? 

Of course, we love celebrating someone younger than us! Seriously, we cannot wait. This is one of the highlights of the Halfway calendar.

What are you two planning for the big day?

Crystal and I will be hosting the whole day. We will be dedicating our section to Remembrance Sunday, which has become something of a CK tradition.

Why is that important to you and what form will that take on the day? 

CK Sunday has become the haunt of many of the MOD guys and gals. Being so close to the Cenotaph they will be in full attendance with their friends and family. Their presence lifts the day into something quite special.

And what other acts will be performing? 

We are keeping it in the family with residents past and present onstage, so expect to see Mary Mac, Rose Garden, Mrs Moore, Lola Lasagne, Baga Chipz and The Vixens.

Twenty-six years is an incredible achievement, can you sum up what makes Halfway so popular and loved? 


Entry is free

Halfway II Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2. 

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