
A Boyz Christmas Carol starring some of your favourite scenesters

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, with its cast of extraordinary characters and timeless story of redemption, has been told in many different forms on stage, film and TV from the early 20th Century to today. There are versions with famous actors including Alastair Sim, Albert Finney, Kelsey Grammer and Patrick Stewart to the Muppets, Doctor Who, Disney with Jim Carrey and many more. And now we have cast this most cherished of Christmas stories with people working on the gay scene of Old London Town, and we asked each of the cast a special Christmas question relating to their character, be they human or ghost. And so as Tiny Tim said: “God bless us, everyone” and, of course, Merry Christmas to you all.

Mark Ames from XXL
as Ebenezer Scrooge 

In A Christmas Carol, Scrooge learns there’s more to life than money – what would you like to change about the world this Christmas? 

As Dickens says, “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour.” And I believe we need more of it.

Jason Dickie from
The RVT as the
Ghost of Jacob Marley

Marley tells Scrooge he needs to change, what would you like to change this Christmas? 

I’d like to stop shops selling mince pies and Christmas pudding in November!

Karl Nixon from the
Admiral Duncan
as Bob Cratchit 

What are you truly grateful for this Christmas?

This year, I am grateful for vodka, drag queens and glitter. Anyone would think I worked in a gay bar…

Nieko from Ku Bar as Tiny Tim 

What do you want to celebrate this Christmas?

Our incredible community. I am forever in awe of the incredible people that are on, a part of, and work on the gay scene. I will never forget my first time stepping into a gay venue; that feeling of utter liberation and freedom, that feeling that made me want to be a part of the gay scene and allowing people to feel like that. I’m grateful, and thankful, to all the incredibly talented people that work day and night to provide the safe, supporting community we have in London; it really is something special and something that we should all be proud of. 

Son of a Tutu as the Ghost of Christmas Present

What would your ideal Christmas present be? 

Easy peasy: The end of Brexit, the fall of the Murdoch empire and free boob jobs on the NHS. I think there are more chances of me getting the third than the first two, but I jollily (sic) shante on.

Jason Ford from Sweatbox
as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come 

What are your hopes for Christmas future?

My hopes for Christmas future are the much anticipated Sweatbox refurbishment next year and of course endless Star Wars films each December. What more can any ghost hope for? Oh yeah, and an end to Brexit and the impeachment of Trump. Hey, a ghost can dream, can’t he?

Meth from Her Upstairs

as the Ghost of Christmas Past

What is your favourite personal memory of a Christmas past? 

Whilst every year I endeavour to consume enough alcohol to forget the festive season, there are a few memories that stick with me. I think having Latrice Royale join us for Christmas at the Black Cap would probably be my most favourite to date.

Very special thanks to Angels Fancy Dress for help with the costumes

Angels, 119 Shaftesbury Avenue, WC2. 

Thanks also to Mark and the team at Pulse.

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