
Caroline Reid talks Pam Ann at the Brewers and stand up shows.

This Sunday the one and only Pam Ann crash lands at the Two Brewers for a a special birthday show and then the week after her alter ego, Caroline Reid, presents her debut stand up show RAWR at the Leicester Square Theatre. Dave Cross got all hot and sweaty with Caroline over the phone to find out more.

Hi Caroline, how’s life in the fast lane? 

So fast I nearly said ‘Hello New York’ when I opened my show in San Francisco! Here’s my itinerary in the past two weeks: MIA – PARTY; LHR – SHOW – PARTY; CDG – COCK; LHR – PARTY; JFK – SHOW – PARTY; MIA – ART BASEL; FLL – SFO – SHOW; MIA – COCK – PARTY – MENTAL BREAKDOWN!

How has 2017 been for you?

It’s been a CUNT of a year universally for everyone I think. There’s way too much negativity. I want the Obama years back please.
Just over a year ago, before the US election, you said to us, ‘The evil part of me actually thinks it would be funny if Trump wins to see what a mess he makes…” Thoughts on that now. And is it all your fault?

FUCK! Oops! I’m not laughing now. I’m a fucking idiot, that’s what I am, and I apologise for the world if that rests on my shoulders.
This Sunday Pam is back at the Brewers, on your birthday; will this be a quiet evening of gentle reflection?

Absolutely! I’d suggest you bring the kids to this show…
You play all over the world, why do you keep coming back to a pub in Clapham?

I love performing at the Two Brewers, it’s a completely different style of performing than being in a theatre. Most of the show is on the fly; it’s so exhilarating, plus the Pam Ann fans who have been coming for years are fucking awesome. The Two Brewers is like crack cocaine; I chase the Brewers comedy high. Not to mention I love Jimmy Smith and his entire team. I couldn’t think of anywhere better to celebrate my 40th (cough) birthday!
The week after that you are at the Leicester Square Theatre with RAWR, your first stand up show as Caroline Reid – what made you decide to do this?

I wanted to see if I could create a brand new comedy show as myself. It’s been so interesting because I actually thought Pam Ann was me for a few years and it turns out I am very different to Pam on stage, it’s so weird. Doing this show has given me a new appreciation of what I created with her and given me a new voice, so hopefully I can continue to tour this new me. Pam Ann is here to stay but it’s nice to do something else creatively.

Is it scary leaving Pam off stage?

Fuck yeah because I don’t know what the fuck that bitch is doing!
How does RAWR differ to a show with Pam, what can we expect?

The style is very different; I’m still trying to figure out if it’s stand up or theatre. I have a different energy on stage; I’m nowhere near the high energy Pam Ann is. I am more monotone and dry. Most of the stories are real life stories so it’s very RAWR!
What are your plans for Christmas?

I’m spending Christmas in a big dusty old gay household in Balham then I fly to New York on Boxing Day for some shows there before heading to Fort Lauderdale for my New Year’s Eve show at The Sunshine Cathedral – yes it’s a fucking church! The reverend says it’s not a church when Pam Ann is in it. I said to him, yes it is, it will be a church the church of PAM ANN!

And a final word for this festive time of year? 

They always say what you do at midnight on New Year’s Eve will reflect your year so directly after my show I will be heading home to Miami for some hot Colombian cock. HO HO HO!

Pam Ann is at the Brewers this Sunday (17 Dec). Book tickets from 0207 819 9539 or online via

Caroline Reid in RAWR is at the Leicester Square Theatre from Wednesday 20 until Saturday 24 December. Book tickets via

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