
Clementine, A Living Fashion Doll: Review by Stephen Vowles 

There is fantastic individuality to Mark Mander aka Clementine which makes him a true and rather gifted entertainer. His timing is spot on and via the clever use of integrated video and very precise lip syncing – and also amiably assisted by puppeteers Ruth Calkin and Mark Esaias – the audience are treated to 90 minutes of glitz, glamour and pizzazz.

His renditions of Broadway Baby,  Hello Dolly and Losing My Mind are bordering on genius. The dialogue which links the numbers and costume changes are firmly entrenched in double entendre and his wit is wicked. The skill here though is how the three of them pull focus. You are drawn to the puppets and totally forget they are being manipulated by human beings. The pace of the show is slick and entertaining. This Living Fashion Doll may be diminutive but the talent is huge. Stand out was Ruth and Mark’s interpretation of Barry Manilow’s Copacabana complete with revolving set and disco lighting; very funny and at the same time tinged with pathos. The show is also very silly. I doubt you will find another evening cabaret that will warm your cockles this festive season better  anywhere else. Supreme masters of their craft.


Photos by Martin Barber


Clementine was reviewed on the 20th December at Crazy Coqs, Brasserie Zedel, 20 Sherwood Street, London W1F 7ED.

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