
RAWR with Caroline Reid at Leicester Square Theatre: Review by Stephen Vowles 

When you perform as yourself there is no character to hide behind – no Pam Ann. With RAWR, Caroline Reid’s stand up show, you get her, and her pure sexual aggression. She acknowledges with great comfort and joy the success that performing as Pam has brought her. She confesses that without that success she would not of contemplated making her debut in the ferocious world of adult comedy. Caroline has taken a gamble with this show and it has paid off.

She is a wonderful storyteller regaling an eager audience with her hedonistic tales of sexual conquests, threesomes and the love of black gentlemen – purely based on their physical prowess and the size of their genitalia. She has done drugs and she makes no bones about telling us. Who knew paranoia could be so funny? This is autobiographical, crude, rude and when she talks about using social media to get a man it’s hilarious – comforting other women in the audience who might experience the same problems she has had when dealing with nutters that put unreal profiles on Tinder for example.

Caroline’s delivery is based upon truth and is very topical with Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey getting the roasting they deserve. Her belligerence makes her very funny and the ad libs are quick and genuine. RAWR is the title of the show, but she is not. She is well prepared with beautiful timing which makes Miss Reid a stunning comedienne. I sincerely hope she explores the opportunities that doing her one woman show will give her. Exquisitely extreme!


Further  performances of RAWR by Caroline Reid on 21st, 22nd and 23rd December all at 10pm  at Leicester Square Theatre. Box office 020 7734 2222.

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