In Pictures

The Blood Ball: Saturday 16 December

The Blood Ball: Saturday 16 December

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For the past few years, Mark and Jason Ford have held a series of extravagant balls at this time of year, each with a different theme.

This year’s event, The Blood Ball, was held at the Bunker near Baker Street, which had been transformed into the dark parts of the Ministry of Magic for this year’s theme, the House of Slytherin from Harry Potter. Quite what JK  Rowling would have made of the caged muggle, very sexy House Elves, live snakes or performances by Vanity Von Glow, Dusty Limits and more is anybody’s guess, but we loved it all. It was fantastic to see the guests all making such an effort to dress up at this imaginative and thrilling party. We can’t wait for the next one.


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