
XXL New Year’s Eve: Bobby Blanco from Moto Blanco

New Year’s Eve parties at XXL are exactly that: XXL, massive, huge, epic – and this Sunday’s effort will be no different. With a Flash Gordon theme, expect two throbbing dancefloors packed with hot guys of all sizes, plus music from special guest Bobby Blanco of DJ duo Moto Blanco. Here Bobby gives us a personal review of his 2017 as he prepares to say hello to 2018.


Hi Bobby, how has 2017 been for you?

It’s been a fantastic year. A few things in this world could be better, but they have been added to my Christmas list, so expect world peace and 24-hour tapas restaurants in early January.

Can you pick a highlight?

One highlight that really stands out was when I actually took my owns bags for life into Sainsbury’s and didn’t have to buy any new ones. I’m joking… I’ve actually really enjoyed playing at XXL Edinburgh. It’s a lot smaller than Pulse but they are a real up-for-it crowd so I can really experiment with different styles there.

For those who don’t know, how would you describe the music you play at XXL?

Well, Moto Blanco is known for a certain sound in our productions but I’ve never been one to stick to one style of music. I live and breathe music; I love so many different genres and would hate to think that people only want to hear the style I’m known for all night. I really try and play a bit of everything at XXL and it seems to work. I try to continue on from what that talented man Paul Morrell has been playing and build the music up to a point where the equally talented Alex Logan can take it further.

Have you been in the studio lately and if so what have you been working on?

A few remixes here and there – there’s even some original material under the Moto Blanco name we’ve been working on. Oh and a new secret project that I can’t tell you about yet, nudge nudge wink wink.

What can we expect from you at the XXL New Year’s Eve party music-wise?

I love New Year’s Eve at XXL; it’s always rammed with a real up-for-fun crowd. New Year’s Eve is a real party in the true sense of the word, so expect a few exclusive remixes of some classics.

The theme for the party is Flash Gordon – what character would you like to be from the film?

I hadn’t seen the film for a while so I borrowed the DVD from David Robson so I could get some ideas. But his copy seemed a bit different and was called Flesh Gordon… I really don’t remember there being so many nude scenes when I watched it as a child. I guess I’ll go as the evil perverted Emperor Wang, if Mark Ames hasn’t claimed that one already, of course…

What are your plans and/or hopes for 2018?

It’s going to be a busy year as the stars have aligned of a few things so I really need to get some projects finished. I have lots of gigs in the diary already and am looking forward to playing at a lovely couple’s wedding in May too.

Can you please give us your personal 2017 top five tracks?

1. Frederick & Kusse – Ms Jackson

2. Federico Scavo – Believe 2017

3. Mark Knight & Tuff London – Jus’ Come

4. Hoxton Whores & James Hurr – Let’s
Get Together

5. Pagano – Music is Movin’

XXL New Year’s Eve at Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, South Bank, London, SE1 9UF.

Advance tickets can be bought via

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