In Pictures

BEEFMINCE at the RVT New Year’s Eve: Sunday 31 December

BEEFMINCE New Year’s Eve Sunday 31 December 

The Royal Vauxhall Tavern was packed out from the moment the doors opened for BEEFMINCE’s Big Dong on New Year’s Eve.

Two of our favourite cabaret acts were on hand to bring the crowd to fever pitch as we approached midnight. Virgin Xtravanganzah gave us some of her signature parody songs and Tracy Barlow lead the crowd in some big sing-along songs including a duet with Virgin of My Way leading to the countdown. Resident DJs Silverhook and Cactushead were then in charge of taking us through to 2018 with a glorious selection of beefy hits and anthems. It was a great fun night and the perfect way to welcome in the year of the Beef!

Photos by Dino Paciulli

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