
Bitches Down Under! at Above The Stag Theatre: First night review by Stephen Vowles

With Australia Day looming it seems fitting that Martin Blackburn’s glorious comedy Bitches Down Under! is being performed at the Above The Stag Theatre in Vauxhall. This is the third play in the series with Alright Bitches! and Bitches Ahoy! being the two previous plays.  Again Blackburn’s wicked sense of humour and biting wit are very much in evidence with all the cast delivering  comedy gold – especially Lucas Livesey as Max whose remarks and comments are pure zingers. Livesey, as well as Ethan Chapples as Garth and Hannah Vesty as Pam, revive their roles from the previous two plays and are so in tune with each other’s acting styles and understanding of how to play comedy, that the crisp pace of the play – superbly handled by director Andrew Beckett – never falters. Once again Blackburn’s technique of overlapping the dialogue so two conversations are taking place at the same time, proves how skilful a writer he is in creating killer dialogue.

Special mention has to made of Liam Nooney who takes on the role of Drew; his deadpan expression is fabulous to watch as he has some of the more serious lines in the play where he deals with recriminations and the ending of a relationship which brilliantly showcases the ups and downs of being in love. Grant Cartwright as Ollie and Tom Mann as Scott also shine with both of them expert in the art of timing, where entering a scene on cue is integral to getting the laugh.

A lovely way to complete the trilogy; top notch entertainment and you get to know about Aussie culture too. Very funny and a fab way to beat the January blues!

Photos by PBG Studios


Bitches Down Under! runs to the 18th February, at the Above the Stag Theatre, 17 Miles Street, Vauxhall, London SW8 1RZ,  Box office 020 3488 2815

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