
Celebrity Not Another Drag Competition at Her Upstairs

Forget any lame excuses for a celebrity mash up on TV, the place to really experience your favourites getting down and dirty is at Her Upstairs every Monday night for Celebrity Not Another Drag Competition. Dave Cross sat down for a catch up with host of this contest and winner of NADC All Stars, the one and only HERR.

Hello HERR, are you excited about hosting Celebrity NADC?

Yes mate.

Can you give us an idea of what to expect each week?

I can’t give too much away but I promise you we’ll be putting these pros through the ringer! Their comedic skills are going to be put to the test, they’re going to have the chance to dazzle us with Oscar worthy acting, and working relationships will be put to the test and perhaps destroyed with a few of the other challenges. So you’ll definitely want to come and check this out.

And which acts are taking part?

We have seven wonders of the London drag scene taking part. As we all know, Meth, is of course competing, as is somebody who knows what it’s like to beat her in a competition – the internationally ignored and often horizontal Vanity von Glow; so there are some scores to settle there. The legendary Holestar will also be vying for the crown alongside the stunning Honey Foxx. Then not one, but both of our resident goths are taking part, that’s Mynxie Monroe and Ruby Wednesday! Rumour also has is that Lady Lloyd will be there but we’ll believe it when we see it, we may even crown her there and then in week one just for showing up!

There will be judges each week, but the audience have the final say don’t they on who’s out?

As with previous seasons they of course play a massive role in who gets through, it’ll be 50/50 between their votes and judges scores. But we may have some further twists and turns along the way…

As host are you the one who has to say who’s eliminated each week? Aren’t you scared for your life?

I’ll indeed be announcing the poor bugger’s name each week to send them home, but they’ve all been working long enough to be able to deal with it and not be upset…. I think. If they don’t want to go home they’ll just have to make sure they’re bringing it, reputations are at stake! No pressure guys.

You were in NADC Season One and you won All Stars… has that changed your life?

Oh totally, Season One saw me go through the competition as a baby queen under a different name (the less said about Cherry Popper – RIP – the better) but in All Stars I got to show everyone exactly what I’d become and gain a much larger fan base amongst London audiences, as well as being given so many work opportunities afterwards!

Which was your favourite round?

In Season One it was definitely set week, which saw me cast off my old name to become the camp clown that I am today. And in All Stars I loved parody week which gave birth to my cult smash hit, Mash! Oh and the final because I won.

And which one are you most looking forward to in Celebrity NADC?

We’re bringing back one of the All Stars challenges for Celeb NADC, so let’s just say things may be about to get very hot in Her Upstairs in a few weeks time.

As a winner, what advice would you give to these girls?

I’ve always told other contestants to just have fun with it, trust your instinct and don’t take it too seriously. But in this case given that these people apparently know what they’re doing – I say go for blood. I want a bloodbath. Love a bloodbath.

Her Upstairs, 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden NW1.

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