
Lady Bee releases her new single

Lady Bee is the exciting new vocalist who burst on the scene last year with her single Do You Wanna to Funk. Next week she releases her brand new track, it’s another Sylvester song, the amazing disco classic You Make Me Feel Mighty Real. Dave Cross had a catch up with the Lady to find out all the disco goss!

Hi Lady Bee, we last spoke to you in October when your last single came out, what have you been up to since then? 

Wow! Time flies so quickly and so much has happened since we spoke last.

I’ve had gigs all around and outside London, all very exciting and stimulating. I shared the stage with the legendary DJ Larry T at the Egg Club, I’ve been invited to perform at La Cage Royale L’Escargot. I also travelled with the amazing Soraya Vivian to Manchester and we sang at the On Bar Canal Street, in the memory of Albert Kennedy, that was very emotional. I have also been gigging in Lincoln, Chesterfield and that was really fun. Among all this, I am working on my original album which is the love of my life and I am collaborating with very established and talented music producers, artists, and musicians.

The single Do You Wanna To Funk got to number 12 in the club charts, were you pleased with the reaction? 

Do You ‘Wanna’ Funk! ‘Wanna’ so American. I could not believe it when I heard it the first time, I nearly fell off the chair. I am so happy, so grateful and blessed for all the support and love I am receiving, it is just beyond beautiful.

And you also sang on the charity single Love Is The Only Law, what was that whole experience like? 

I felt so empowered to be part of that project and being also one of the main writers of the song made me feel so accomplished. When I hear people singing the verses I wrote and speaking the title I gave to the song, you cannot ask anything more in life, especially when you know it is for a good cause close to our hearts.

Your last single was a cover of a Sylvester song, and your new single is another, what is it about Sylvester that draws you to his music? 

His voice, his story, his courage and the fabulous presence he had. I think he saved my life in a sense because there is so much I see myself in him, same goes with Divine, Grace Jones, Quentin Crisp. I am drawn to those type of artists and people because they represent many aspects of who I am. I relate to them and I feel safe knowing they walked the shoes I’m walking in today.

You Make Me Feel Mighty Real is one of the greatest disco records of all time, were you scared about doing it and how did you approach the track?

I was a bit nervous at the beginning, the falsetto of Sylvester is quite unique, so once I realised it is actually a tribute to one of my favourite singers of all time and not some mechanical imitation, I then felt confident in singing this classic my way, with my style and just feel every word and own the song, to me that is the best tribute one can do.

Can we expect some great club remixes on this? 

Oh, for sure. The talented and hot DJ Matt Pop already made two mixes of it and further collaborations are to be confirmed I won’t mention any names as I just don’t want to jinx it – I’m very superstitious.

What are your plans and dreams for 2018? 

There are a few projects in the pipeline that I cannot really talk about for now – not because I’m superstitious but because I’m been told to zip it! I have more cover songs that I will release leading to my album. I will be gigging in Paris and going to Italy for a project around a film. I am also doing some playwriting under the guidance of Sonia Hale, a very talented playwright. My dream for 2018 is to live in a better world, my loved ones to be happy and healthy, to still be able to do my art, which is so vital to my well-being. And of course, a number one would be just the best thing ever!

The single You Make Me Feel Mighty Real is released next Friday 26 January.

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