
Me, Myself and I: Mark Delacour from Metro

Mark Delacour is the Head of Communications at the Metro charity, has a cat called Sebastian, loves Wicked and is never happier than when he’s the host of the party.

Where are you from originally?

I’m Kentish folk, born in Maidstone.

And where do you live now?

I moved to London when I started my degree at UCL, back in 1999 – been here ever since! I’ve lived in many parts of the capital: Pentonville Road, Seven Sisters, Turnpike Lane and Bloomsbury. But I am now very settled in our Belgravia home, with two lovely housemates, Stephen and Sirida, and our rather particular cat, Sebastian.

What do you love about London and why?

London is just so much fun! There is always something interesting to do – something new, something daring, something you’ve been doing for years but never grow tired of. So much of what makes London fun is the people, so many different people, different backgrounds, different cultures, difference experiences to share and enjoy.

What was the first gay venue you visited?

This is a tricky one, it’s a long while ago now. If memory serves then it was the night run by the LGBT Society at UCL in the union’s Gordon’s Cafe, imaginatively named Gay Gordon’s (so popular that it moved upstairs to the larger Easy J’s – so I’m sure you can imagine what we called that – we were so witty!). I remember going with course mate Robert – now lifelong friends. Was all so new and exciting. When the bar closed, Hels, very much the leader of the group, corralled us to complete the arduous walk from Gordon Square to King’s Cross to sample the delights of Popstarz at the Scala. This became quite a tradition.

Favourite club/bar/venue in London and why?

An absolute favourite is Friendly Society – they really are super friendly! I enjoy the quirky decor, the thrill of getting to the snug first and the way it suddenly turns from groups chatting and sipping drinks sat on their gnome stalls to everyone on their feet dancing like there’s no tomorrow.

Can you tell us about the new location for METRO Charity? 

I can indeed. We moved in at the end of January and services are now all back up and running, with the official launch later this month. Such a culmination for the charity – we have been looking for a new home in the Royal Borough of Greenwich for a number of years – and Woolwich is just perfect. Immediately opposite Woolwich Arsenal mainline station, it’s super easy to get to. We also have much more space than before, with two shiny new clinic spaces for Pitstop PLUS, new counselling rooms, and a huge group space for our youth groups, mental health drop-in, forum meetings and training. Woolwich has such a bustle. Am looking forward to enjoying the square out front in the summer. Oh and just to note, our Vauxhall, Essex, Kent and Medway spaces will continue as usual.

What was the last theatre show you saw, where, and what did you think of it?

Wicked at the Apollo Victoria, loved it – those high notes get me every time. I do enjoy a trip to Above The Stag too, over in Vauxhall.

What is your guilty pleasure and why?

Hosting! I simply love hosting; it combines my favourite activities of cooking and socialising, oh, and eating! I am a bit of a feeder too.

Biggest extravagance?

Not to go all Elton John, but I do love flowers. Now during the year I do try to stay under control, but allow myself to have a little fun at birthday time; last year I might have gone a little far, with practically an entire magnolia tree in the front room.

What has been the highlight of your career so far and why?

It’s going to sound cheesy but I really do love working at METRO, such a broad range of work and lovely people, so starting here in 2015 was definitely a highlight.

If you could go back in time which year would you choose and why?

The 1920s; I love the dresses.

What’s the best party you’ve ever been to and what made it so good?

Secret Cinema’s Moulin Rouge. Absolutely amazing experience, love getting involved. Does that count as a party? Certainly felt like one.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

‘Read it before you send it’. Simple advice but applicable across all aspects of life.

Where in the world would you like to visit before you die and why? 

Would love to visit Australia, just so vast. It would be fun to take a road trip and re-live a little Priscilla.

What is one thing you wish you knew when you were younger?

That there are simply loads of other LGBT people all across the spectra of sexuality and gender identity – you are not the only one!

Mark works at METRO Woolwich, 1st Floor Equitable House, 7 General Gordon Square, SE18 6FH.

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