
Miss Hope Springs at the Two Brewers

This Friday, that un-ageing showgirl and songwriter to the stars, Miss Hope Springs, will be back at the Two Brewers to perform her show Vegas to Weimar. Inspired by her time performing in the slightly less glamorous venues of Germany, the show is packed with gorgeous songs and sparkling stories. To give you a taste of what to expect we borrowed this genuine letter from the Dungeness Museum of Performing Arts and Novelty Beer Mats, which was sent by Hope to her husband Irving while she was in Berlin in 1972.


My dear husband Irving,

I’ve been stuck in Germany now for six weeks and I find myself up Scheisse Strasse.

You know the starring role I was offered in that fabulous cabaret venue in Berlin? Well, I find that it is, in fact, in a tatty old dump on the wrong side of the goddamn wall. I’d stay for the money, but they are paying me in pumpernickel for Christ’s sake! And having climbed over to get in, l’ve been told it’s very much more dangerous trying to climb out again… All I can say is it’s a long way from Vegas, baby.

My camper-van is parked outside the Brandenburg Gate and I just need someone to go and make sure the battery isn’t flat, so if I do make it over without getting shot it’s ready for a quick getaway. Can you help?

These hard times have inspired me to write lots of new songs in the Weimar style… Maybe one day – if I make it out of here alive – I might get to perform them in that charming Das Zwei Brauer on Clapham High Street (I’m still not sure why you’re always hanging around in there).

Somehow Dungeness seems so much more attractive now. Oh Irving, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home…

Love to you and Carlos,

Yours desperately


Das Vaudelesque Kabarett

Book your advance tickets via

The Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 

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