
Freud the Musical: Review by Stephen Vowles 

Natasha Sutton Williams’ homage to Sigmund Freud is a very clever piece of performance art.  Freud the Musical is a witty, if at times shrill, study of the man that tries to explain what he was about.

She asks the question, Do you know what I am thinking? And the rather hectic 50 mins certainly pushed various buttons in trying to answer that question. She presents him as a cocaine addict who is obsessed with sex and via various conversations with his cat and clients she explores his understanding of the human condition. There’s an amusing running gag about him being stupid with money, he understands the power of it but never really gets any. The show is packed with father and mother issues, incest, the study of the oedipus complex and word association.  All facets of Freud’s now famous doctrine are woven into a deliciously fluid script that makes great use of props as well as words. It won’t appeal to everyone, but I would urge you to stick with it as it is as rewarding as it is ridiculous. An intriguing session on the couch and look at the human libido. Magic and madness combined.


Runs to the 18th March, part of the Vault Festival at The Pit, Leake Street  SE1 7NN

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