
Jesus & Lucifer: Review by Stephen Vowles 

From Cain and Abel to Laurel and Hardy, famous twosomes have been based on drama and of course comedy.  In Joshua Phillips and Luke Nixon’s brand new comedy musical, Jesus and Lucifer the emphasis is most certainly on comedy.

Lucifer finds the love of his life in Jesus and when God, played by a very watchable Kerry Boyde, finds out the heavens are stirred. The show has some devilish and rather naughty numbers such as Bitch, I’m God, Cloud 9 and Curse these Devil Horns of Mine that add a vibrancy to the 60 mins running time. This is a playful and at times touching production with Olivia Nixon as Gabriel and author’s Luke playing Lucifer and Joshua playing Jesus, giving it a great sense of fun.

Philips and Nixon have a true talent for comedic songwriting and deserve to score a much larger hit with this than the fringe can offer. I guarantee you will leave the theatre humming the score.


Runs to the 17th March  at the Kings Head Theatre, 115  Upper Street,  N1 1QN. Box office 0207 226 4443

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