
Meet our cover stars getting eggcited for Easter! What are you doing for the bank holiday weekend?

It’s Easter this week, which means one the biggest party weekends of the year and two, yes count them two bank holidays. Not only do we get Monday off but also Friday as well. I think the word is; wahoo! we got together a group of people who will be working on the scene or just going out and partying at their favourite venue and we asked them what their Easter plans are.

Brendan – XXL regular

“I will be on the XXL dancefloor, licking as many chocolate bears as possible! My family are abroad so Easter will be with my XXL family and more than a bit of indulgence.”

Lysander Dove – Bar Wotever at The RVT 

“I’m thinking of a trip to Duckie at The RVtT on Saturday night and then the rest of Easter I’ll be planing the special Bar Wotever we have on Tuesday April 3 with Crystal Lubrikunt and a special deal for all LGBTIQ Muslim folks offering them a safe space.”

Raf – Clonezone

“Over the Easter weekend I’ll be at Clonezone and we will be trying to help guys to find their golden eggs in both our stores, with loads of offers and discounts. Plus I’m sure my boyfriend and I will be going out somewhere too!”

Pasquale – The Duke of Wellington

“I’ll be at the Welly a lot. We are open till 1am from Thursday to Monday and we are collecting money for The Food Chain all weekend. On Saturday we are throwing a party to celebrate wining the Boyz Award as Best Bar, with DJ David Robson, plus DJs and bingo and drinks promos all over the weekend.”

Justin Swift – DJ at Halfway II Heaven

“ I will be at Halfway all over Easter weekend. Saturday night with The Vixens, Sunday with CK for their Easter Special and on Bank Holiday Monday we have a big fundraiser for Food Chain, I might as well move my bed there.”


Raf – Ku Bar

“I will be at Ku Bar of course, where else would I want to be? There will be loads of sexy bunny boy Easter realness and I love it.”

Sandra – Cabaret legend and resident at The Two Brewers

“I’m all over this weekend, The Dunky Thursday, Village Inn Birmingham Friday, Old Ship on Saturday and Easter Sunday and Monday at the Brewers. Growing up easter was the joy of chocolate eggs and the smell of Spring… now bollocks, it’s just another day!”

Happy Easter from everyone at Boyz! 

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