
Control: Press night review by Stephen Vowles

There is no disputing Tim Mcarthur’s skill as a writer and Guy Retallack’s masterful direction in bringing this drama to the stage. This is a very slick play with contemporary staging where the overlapping and very believable dialogue between the five actors adds to the menacing quality of some of the scenes; especially between David Archer, who plays the rather gullible Stephen, and Lewis Rae, who plays control freak Jeremy with an air of pure villainy. Mcarthur deals with issues of emotional supply and demand, pressures of society, possession, snobbery, manipulation and exactly how much advice do you take from your mother and best friend? As the twists and turns of the drama are played out the whole pace increases to a finale that will take your breath away. Gripping stuff! 


Control runs to Saturday 7th April at the Hen & Chickens Theatre Bar, 109 St Paul’s Road, LOndon N1 2NA. Tickets via unrestricted Control then transfers to The Bridge House, 2 High Street, London SE20 8RZ and runs to Sunday 15th April; box office 0208 133 0311.   

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