
Doctor Whosical at the Two Brewers, review by Dave Cross

The team from Two Box Productions specialise in musical versions and parodies of much loved TV shows and films. They have already given us hilarious takes on Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, plus the Golden Girls and Rocky Horror resulting in a clutch of Boyz Awards.

Now the team turn their attention to one of the world’s most beloved TV shows as they present Doctor Whosical which is on for for just three nights at the Two Brewers. This is an original story set in the Doctor Who Universe and uses that much loved story device from the show, the meeting of multiple Doctors. Without giving away too many spoilers, we meet three Doctors, 10, 11 and 12, played respectively by Thomas Young, Damien Killeen and Tom Redican, each of which brings more than a touch of Tennant, Smith and Capaldi to the roles, Damien especially gets the barely controlled crazy of Matt Smith just right. We also meet four of the shows recent companions, Bill played perfectly by Tia Kofi, Rachael Blaney as Clara, Ripley, impressive as Amy Pond and Dixie Delight who totally steals every scene as Donna, plus Stephanie Von Clitz does a nice turn as Rory. Every episode of the show has to have a villain and in this we get Rose Garden as Missy, complete with the all the character’s ticks and mannerisms and she’s clearly having a ball as this delicious villain. The story involves the Doctors and companions crashing on the planet Grim, Cybermen, sorry Cyberpeople, dream sequences and of course songs, standouts include Rory and Amy’s Time after Time and Donna belting out As Long as he Needs Me.

I’m not going to give away anymore of the story, but it’s packed with twists and turns that will be a joy to anyone who’s ever hidden behind the sofa. As with all the Two Box productions this has been written with a genuine love for the show and although set firmly in the world of recent Who, there are enough references to the classic show and at least one genuine heart in throat moment. Yes, it’s a bit rough around the edges, and it’s not the tightest show around, but both its hearts are beating with joy and laughs… Oh and I could tell you about the special effect laden climax… but, spoilers sweetie.


Photos by Bronac McNeill

Doctor Whosical is on Friday (6 Apr) and Saturday at the Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4.

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